[Pushed] How to strip BBCode in email notifications?
Hello there,

I've got a problem with my installation of MyBB 1.8.6 and are unable to find a solution for it.

When people subscribe to posts and get email notifications, MyBB does not strip the My/BBCode out of it, so that a notification in an email e.g. the post part looks like this:


[align=center]Merkmal dieses Events: Das Merkmal von The Chapter Four ist, das es vier Verkaufsräume gibt: einmal einen gefüllt mit Gachas, ein Raum ist vergünstigt um die Hälfte, einmal zahl 1 für 2 und in einem Raum kosten die Items unter 100 L$[/align]

[align=center]Dauer: bis 21. Februar[/align]

What can I do so that MyBB does strip those codes?

Looks like a bug, moving to bug reports to check.

EDIT: text_parse_message() is missing some BBCodes, i.e. align: https://github.com/mybb/mybb/blob/1a05af...1650-L1655

Thank you for your report. We have pushed this issue to our Github repository for further analysis where you can track our commits and progress with fixing this bug. Discussions regarding this bug may also take place there too.

Follow this link to visit the issue on Github: https://github.com/mybb/mybb/issues/2538

Thanks for contributing to MyBB!

The MyBB Group

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