Solved: 8 Years, 9 Months, 4 Weeks ago WYSIWYG Editor - Missing / Can't get it working
Solved: 8 Years, 9 Months, 4 Weeks ago
Hi, I use a highly edited theme I've been working on, and after trying several plugins like CKEditor and a few others, I just can't get a working editor.

CKEditor, which I downloaded from a page that said it didn't use html, tried to use html, which left my threads/posts visibly showing the <p> and other html tags.

It's important I have a visual editor, it's makes things a lot more comfortable to use for my community.

Does anyone have any light on this? I thought mybb came with its own visual editor, is there no way I can get this back?

Any information is highly appreciated, thanks.

Worked it out myself, used the old official SCEditor plugin and changed the compatibility to 1.8 to get it working.

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