german Wrote:Hello
Looking donation page plugin . MyBB 1.8.7
(2016-09-27, 12:12 PM)metulburr Wrote: As for creating the page itself, you need page manager plugin to make new pages
As for creating a paypal donor button to put on that page see this other mini tutorial
using the create a button page
As for your pagemanager suggestion, you do know there is a donate page by bob for 1.5.2 already right?
donate.xml (Size: 1.93 KB / Downloads: 107)
As for a simple plugin based off that though not a page anymore but an insert to index and portal and not requiring page manager and allows for editing currency local, button locale, minimum donation amount, paypal email, donation message, etc, etc, currently localized for 5 langs, also allows for you to manually move the index and portal inserts around in said templates and will still uninstall template inserts, etc, etc there is:
As for donations page 2.1 plugin yes and no, while compat is universal "*" it still needs things like rebuildsettings to be rebuild_settings, NULL to 0,
* Donation Page Plugin
* Copyright 2009-2010 MyBBWebHost, all rights reserved.
* This plugin is provided as-as. You may edit the plugin as you please, but you may not remove this in-file copyright.
* You may not distribute this plugin or claim it as your own.
die("Direct initialization of this file is not allowed.<br /><br />Please make sure IN_MYBB is defined.");
$plugins->add_hook("build_friendly_wol_location_end", "donationpage_online");
// Plugin Information
function donationpage_info()
return array(
"name" => "Donation Page",
"description" => "Sets up a page where your users can donate to your PayPal account.",
"website" => "",
"author" => "MyBBWebHost & compat edits by Vintagedaddyo",
"authorsite" => "",
"version" => "2.1",
"compatibility" => "18*",
"guid" => "6dd78c94f6ead4eb1770080da7668f63 ",
function donationpage_is_installed()
global $db;
if ($db->num_rows($db->simple_select("settings","name","name='dp_title'")) >= 1)
return true;
return false;
// Install and Activate
function donationpage_activate() {
global $db;
$dp_group = array(
"gid" => "0",
"name" => "donationpage",
"title" => "Donation Page Settings",
"description" => "Set up and edit your donation page here.",
"disporder" => "35",
"isdefault" => "no",
$db->insert_query("settinggroups", $dp_group);
$gid = $db->insert_id();
$dp_1 = array(
"sid" => "0",
"name" => "dp_title",
"title" => "Donation Page Title",
"description" => "This is the display title of your donation page.",
"optionscode" => "text",
"value" => "Donation Page",
"disporder" => "1",
"gid" => intval($gid),
$db->insert_query("settings", $dp_1);
$dp_2 = array(
"sid" => "0",
"name" => "dp_guests",
"title" => "Guest Access",
"description" => "Should guests be allowed to donate?",
"optionscode" => "yesno",
"value" => "1",
"disporder" => "2",
"gid" => intval($gid),
$db->insert_query("settings", $dp_2);
$dp_3 = array(
"sid" => "0",
"name" => "dp_currency",
"title" => "Currency",
"description" => "What is the currency you wish to be paid in?",
"optionscode" => "select
USD= US Dollars
AUD= Australian Dollars
GBP= British Pound
CAD= Canadian Dollars
JPY= Japanese Yen
DKK= Danish Krone
HKD= Hong Kong Dollar
JPY= Japanese Yen
CHF= Swiss Franc
PLN= Polish Zloty
SGD= Singapore Dollar
EUR= Euro",
"value" => "USD",
"disporder" => "3",
"gid" => intval($gid),
$db->insert_query("settings", $dp_3);
$dp_4 = array(
"sid" => "0",
"name" => "dp_email",
"title" => "PayPal Email",
"description" => "What is your PayPal email address?",
"optionscode" => "text",
"value" => "[email protected]",
"disporder" => "4",
"gid" => intval($gid),
$db->insert_query("settings", $dp_4);
$dp_5 = array(
"sid" => "0",
"name" => "dp_message",
"title" => "Donation Page Message",
"description" => "What would you like it to say on the donation page? (HTML Permitted)",
"optionscode" => "textarea",
"value" => "Want to show how much you care about our forum? With web hosting, domain, and advertising costs, it''s expensive to keep our forum up and running. Currently, all of the expensive come right out of the administrator''s pocket. That''s why we now offer a method for you to donate and help us stay online!<br /><br />While the suggested donation is $10, we will be thankful for ALL donations, big and small. 100% of donations will be used for our forums, and NONE of it will be used for personal expenses. To get started, simply enter an amount below and click Donate.",
"disporder" => "5",
"gid" => intval($gid),
$db->insert_query("settings", $dp_5);
$dp_6 = array(
"sid" => "0",
"name" => "dp_value",
"title" => "Recommended Donation Amount",
"description" => "The amount of money you recommend users to donate (Will appear in textbox by default, do not include currency symbols!)",
"optionscode" => "text",
"value" => "10.00",
"disporder" => "6",
"gid" => intval($gid),
$db->insert_query("settings", $dp_6);
$dp_7 = array(
"sid" => "0",
"name" => "dp_minimum",
"title" => "Minimum Donation Amount",
"description" => "This is the minimum amount of money required to donate - Recommended: 1, Disable: 0. (Decimal numbers are allowed, do not include currency symbols!)",
"optionscode" => "text",
"value" => "1",
"disporder" => "7",
"gid" => intval($gid),
$db->insert_query("settings", $dp_7);
$dp_8 = array(
"sid" => "0",
"name" => "dp_credits",
"title" => "Keep MyBBWebHost Credit Line?",
"description" => "While we greatly appreciate it if you leave the credits line at the bottom of the Donation Page, it is not required.",
"optionscode" => "yesno",
"value" => "1",
"disporder" => "8",
"gid" => intval($gid),
$db->insert_query("settings", $dp_8);
$insert_array = array(
'title' => 'donation_page',
'template' => $db->escape_string('<html>
<title>{$mybb->settings[\'bbname\']} - {$mybb->settings[\'dp_title\']}</title>
<table border="0" cellspacing="{$theme[\'borderwidth\']}" cellpadding="{$theme[\'tablespace\']}" class="tborder">
<td class="thead"><strong>{$mybb->settings[\'dp_title\']}</strong></td>
<td width="100%" class="trow1">
'sid' => '-1',
'version' => '',
'dateline' => TIME_NOW
$db->insert_query("templates", $insert_array);
// Deactivate and Uninstall
function donationpage_deactivate() {
global $db, $mybb;
require "../inc/adminfunctions_templates.php";
$query = $db->query("SELECT gid FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."settinggroups WHERE name='donationpage'");
$g = $db->fetch_array($query);
$db->query("DELETE FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."settinggroups WHERE gid='".$g['gid']."'");
$db->query("DELETE FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."settings WHERE gid='".$g['gid']."'");
global $db;
function donationpage_online(&$plugin_array)
if (preg_match('/donate\.php/',$plugin_array['user_activity']['location']))
$plugin_array['location_name'] = "Viewing <a href=\"donate.php\">Donation Page</a>";
return $plugin_array;
.... etc, etc, and the plugin really should be fully localized as it currently has no localization support, * maybe I will ask zash for permission to update and improve that plug as the release terms would require such, dunno maybe I will and maybe I will not, really depends on my interest and or free time but here is an example of initial implementation of localization support along with also adding one more setting for button locale:
Donation Page 2.2
Copyright 2009-2010 MyBBWebHost, all rights reserved.
Donation Page allows you to set up a page where users can donate to you via PayPal.
1) Upload contents of /Upload/ directory to your root MyBB directory
2) Install and Activate the plugin via your Admin CP.
3) Go to Configuration --> Donation Page Settings and edit the settings as you wish.
4) You can find the donation_page template in Global templates.
TO UPGRADE FROM 2.0 TO 2.1, SIMPLY UPLOAD THE NEW DONATE.PHP TO REPLACE THE OLD ONE. * 2.2 must be a new install due to new setting and lang file additions...
2.2 (June 29, 2020) - Added setting for paypal button locale, added plugin localization. Tweaks/edits for MyBB 1.8.x compatibility
Current localization support:
- english * completed
- englishgb * completed
- espanol * completed
- french * completed
- italiano * completed
~ Vintagedaddyo
2.1 (September 10, 2010) - Fixed JavaScript error with "Minimum Donation" feature.
2.0 (August 11, 2010) - Compatibility with MyBB 1.6 and new "Minimum Donation" option.
1.1 (October 11, 2009) - Simplified settings page and added 'Recommended Donation' option.
You may:
- Install this plugin on your own installation of MyBB.
- Edit this plugin for your own personal needs.
- Remove visible page copyright (setting in Admin CP).
You may not:
- Distribute this plugin.
- Edit/modify this plugin and then distribute it.
- Remove in-file copyrights.
- Claim this plugin as your own work.
Plugin is provided as-is. The plugin author and MyBBWebHost is not responsible for any damages done to your board through use (indirect or direct) of this plugin. Use at your own risk.
Need web hosting? offers enterprise-level hosting with MyBB optimized and compatible servers, as well as a MyBB-savvy staff that is ready to help you out!
* MyBB: Donations Page
* File: donate.php
* Authors: (MyBBWebhost)Zash & Vintagedaddyo
* MyBB Version: 1.8
* Plugin Version: 2.2
* Copyright 2009-2010 MyBBWebHost, all rights reserved.
* This plugin is provided as-as. You may edit the plugin as you please, but you may not remove this in-file copyright.
* You may not distribute this plugin or claim it as your own.
define('IN_MYBB', 1);
define('THIS_SCRIPT', 'donate.php');
require_once "./global.php";
global $lang;
$message = $mybb->settings['dp_message'];
if ( $mybb->user['username'] == '' ) {
$username = $lang->donationpage_username;
else {
$username = $mybb->user['username'];
if ( $mybb->settings['dp_credits'] == "1" ) {
$credits = '<div class="smalltext" style="text-align:right;">'.$lang->donationpage_credits_note.' <a href="" title="MyBBWebHost - MyBB Oriented Hosting">'.$lang->donationpage_credits_by.'</a>.</div>';
else {
$credits = '';
$minimum = $mybb->settings['dp_minimum'];
$formcheck = '<script type="text/javascript">
function validate_form ( )
valid = true;
if ( document.donation_form.amount.value < '. $minimum .' )
alert ( "Please enter a minimum of '. $minimum . ' ' .$mybb->settings['dp_currency'] .'." );
valid = false;
return valid;
$value = $mybb->settings['dp_value'];
if ( $mybb->settings['dp_guests'] == "0" && $mybb->user['uid'] == "0" ) {
$paypalform = '<div style="margin-top:10px;margin-bottom:5px;font-weight:bold;text-align:center;">'.$lang->donationpage_guest_note_1.' <a <a href="member.php?action=login">'.$lang->donationpage_guest_login.'</a> '.$lang->donationpage_guest_note_2.' <a href="member.php?action=register">'.$lang->donationpage_guest_register.'</a> '.$lang->donationpage_guest_note_3.'</div>';
else {
$paypalform = '<form action="" method="post" style="margin-top:10px;text-align:center;" name="donation_form" onsubmit="return validate_form ( );">
<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_xclick">
<input type="hidden" name="business" value="'.$mybb->settings['dp_email'].'" />
<input type="hidden" name="item_name" value="'.$mybb->settings['bbname'].' Donation from '. $username .'">
<input type="hidden" name="no_note" value="0" />
<input type="hidden" name="currency_code" value="'.$mybb->settings['dp_currency'].'">
<input name="return" value="'.$mybb->settings['bburl'].'" type="hidden">
<input name="cancel_return" value="'.$mybb->settings['bburl'].'" type="hidden">
<input type="hidden" name="tax" value="0" />
<label><strong>'.$lang->donationpage_form_username.'</strong> '. $username .'</label><br style="margin-bottom:5px;" />
<label style="font-weight:bold;">'.$lang->donationpage_form_amount.' (in '. $mybb->settings['dp_currency'] .'):</label><br />
<input type="text" class="textbox" name="amount" style="width:120px;text-align:left;margin:7px;" value="'. $value .'" /><br />
<input type="image" src="'.$mybb->settings['dp_btnlocale'].'/i/btn/btn_donateCC_LG.gif" style="border:0;" name="submit" alt="PayPal - The safer, easier way to pay online!" />
$title = $mybb->settings['dp_title'];
add_breadcrumb($title, "donate.php");
eval("\$donate = \"".$templates->get("donation_page")."\";");
* MyBB: Donations Page
* File: donationspage.php
* Authors: (MyBBWebhost)Zash & Vintagedaddyo
* MyBB Version: 1.8
* Plugin Version: 2.2
* Copyright 2009-2010 MyBBWebHost, all rights reserved.
* This plugin is provided as-as. You may edit the plugin as you please, but you may not remove this in-file copyright.
* You may not distribute this plugin or claim it as your own.
die("Direct initialization of this file is not allowed.<br /><br />Please make sure IN_MYBB is defined.");
// Add Hooks
$plugins->add_hook("build_friendly_wol_location_end", "donationpage_online");
// Plugin Information
function donationpage_info()
global $lang;
$lang->donationpage_info_description = '<form action="" method="post" style="float:right;">' .
'<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_s-xclick">' .
'<input type="hidden" name="hosted_button_id" value="AZE6ZNZPBPVUL">' .
'<input type="image" src="" border="0" name="submit" alt="PayPal - The safer, easier way to pay online!">' .
'<img alt="" border="0" src="" width="1" height="1">' .
'</form>' . $lang->donationpage_info_description;
return array(
"name" => $lang->donationpage_info_name,
"description" => $lang->donationpage_info_description,
"website" => $lang->donationpage_info_website,
"author" => $lang->donationpage_info_author,
"authorsite" => $lang->donationpage_info_authorsite,
"version" => $lang->donationpage_info_version,
"compatibility" => $lang->donationpage_info_compatibility,
"guid" => $lang->donationpage_info_guid
function donationpage_is_installed()
global $db;
if ($db->num_rows($db->simple_select("settings","name","name='dp_title'")) >= 1)
return true;
return false;
// Install and Activate
function donationpage_activate() {
global $db, $lang;
$dp_group = array(
"gid" => "0",
"name" => "donationpage",
"title" => $lang->donationpage_settinggroup_title,
"description" => $lang->donationpage_settinggroup_description,
"disporder" => "35",
"isdefault" => "0"
$db->insert_query("settinggroups", $dp_group);
$gid = $db->insert_id();
$dp_1 = array(
"sid" => "0",
"name" => "dp_title",
"title" => $lang->donationpage_setting_1_title,
"description" => $lang->donationpage_setting_1_description,
"optionscode" => "text",
"value" => $lang->donationpage_setting_1_value,
"disporder" => "1",
"gid" => intval($gid)
$db->insert_query("settings", $dp_1);
$dp_2 = array(
"sid" => "0",
"name" => "dp_guests",
"title" => $lang->donationpage_setting_2_title,
"description" => $lang->donationpage_setting_2_description,
"optionscode" => "yesno",
"value" => "1",
"disporder" => "2",
"gid" => intval($gid)
$db->insert_query("settings", $dp_2);
$dp_3 = array(
"sid" => "0",
"name" => "dp_currency",
"title" => $lang->donationpage_setting_3_title,
"description" => $lang->donationpage_setting_3_description,
"optionscode" => "select
USD= US Dollars
AUD= Australian Dollars
GBP= British Pound
CAD= Canadian Dollars
JPY= Japanese Yen
DKK= Danish Krone
HKD= Hong Kong Dollar
JPY= Japanese Yen
CHF= Swiss Franc
PLN= Polish Zloty
SGD= Singapore Dollar
EUR= Euro",
"value" => $lang->donationpage_setting_3_value,
"disporder" => "3",
"gid" => intval($gid)
$db->insert_query("settings", $dp_3);
$dp_4 = array(
"sid" => "0",
"name" => "dp_email",
"title" => $lang->donationpage_setting_4_title,
"description" => $lang->donationpage_setting_4_description,
"optionscode" => "text",
"value" => $lang->donationpage_setting_4_value,
"disporder" => "5",
"gid" => intval($gid)
$db->insert_query("settings", $dp_4);
$dp_5 = array(
"sid" => "0",
"name" => "dp_message",
"title" => $lang->donationpage_setting_5_title,
"description" => $lang->donationpage_setting_5_description,
"optionscode" => "textarea",
"value" => $lang->donationpage_setting_5_value,
"disporder" => "6",
"gid" => intval($gid)
$db->insert_query("settings", $dp_5);
$dp_6 = array(
"sid" => "0",
"name" => "dp_value",
"title" => $lang->donationpage_setting_6_title,
"description" => $lang->donationpage_setting_6_description,
"optionscode" => "text",
"value" => $lang->donationpage_setting_6_value,
"disporder" => "7",
"gid" => intval($gid)
$db->insert_query("settings", $dp_6);
$dp_7 = array(
"sid" => "0",
"name" => "dp_minimum",
"title" => $lang->donationpage_setting_7_title,
"description" => $lang->donationpage_setting_7_description,
"optionscode" => "text",
"value" => $lang->donationpage_setting_7_value,
"disporder" => "8",
"gid" => intval($gid)
$db->insert_query("settings", $dp_7);
$dp_8 = array(
"sid" => "0",
"name" => "dp_credits",
"title" => $lang->donationpage_setting_8_title,
"description" => $lang->donationpage_setting_8_description,
"optionscode" => "yesno",
"value" => "1",
"disporder" => "9",
"gid" => intval($gid)
$db->insert_query("settings", $dp_8);
$dp_9 = array(
"sid" => "0",
"name" => "dp_btnlocale",
"title" => $lang->donationpage_setting_9_title,
"description" => $lang->donationpage_setting_9_description,
"optionscode" => "select
en_US= en_US
en_GB= en_GB
es_ES= es_ES
fr_FR= fr_FR
it_IT= it_IT",
"value" => $lang->donationpage_setting_9_value,
"disporder" => "4",
"gid" => intval($gid)
$db->insert_query("settings", $dp_9);
$insert_array = array(
'title' => 'donation_page',
'template' => $db->escape_string('<html>
<title>{$mybb->settings[\'bbname\']} - {$mybb->settings[\'dp_title\']}</title>
<table border="0" cellspacing="{$theme[\'borderwidth\']}" cellpadding="{$theme[\'tablespace\']}" class="tborder">
<td class="thead"><strong>{$mybb->settings[\'dp_title\']}</strong></td>
<td width="100%" class="trow1">
'sid' => '-1',
'version' => '',
'dateline' => TIME_NOW
$db->insert_query("templates", $insert_array);
// Deactivate and Uninstall
function donationpage_deactivate() {
global $db, $mybb;
require "../inc/adminfunctions_templates.php";
$query = $db->query("SELECT gid FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."settinggroups WHERE name='donationpage'");
$g = $db->fetch_array($query);
$db->query("DELETE FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."settinggroups WHERE gid='".$g['gid']."'");
$db->query("DELETE FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."settings WHERE gid='".$g['gid']."'");
function donationpage_online(&$plugin_array)
global $lang;
if (preg_match('/donate\.php/',$plugin_array['user_activity']['location']))
$plugin_array['location_name'] = "{$lang->donationpage_wol_viewing} <a href=\"donate.php\">{$lang->donationpage_wol_viewing_page}</a>";
return $plugin_array;
* MyBB: Donations Page
* File: donationpage.lang.php
* Authors: (MyBBWebhost)Zash & Vintagedaddyo
* MyBB Version: 1.8
* Plugin Version: 2.2
* Copyright 2009-2010 MyBBWebHost, all rights reserved.
* This plugin is provided as-as. You may edit the plugin as you please, but you may not remove this in-file copyright.
* You may not distribute this plugin or claim it as your own.
// Username
$l['donationpage_username'] = 'Guest';
// Guest note
$l['donationpage_guest_note_1'] = 'You must';
$l['donationpage_guest_login'] = 'Login';
$l['donationpage_guest_note_2'] = 'or';
$l['donationpage_guest_register'] = 'Register';
$l['donationpage_guest_note_3'] = 'in order to donate. Sorry!';
// Form
$l['donationpage_form_username'] = 'Username:';
$l['donationpage_form_amount'] = 'Donation amount';
// Credits
$l['donationpage_credits_note'] = 'Donation Page plugin created by';
$l['donationpage_credits_by'] = 'MyBBWebHost & Vintagedaddyo';
// WOL
$l['donationpage_wol_viewing'] = 'Viewing';
$l['donationpage_wol_viewing_page'] = 'Donation Page';
* MyBB: Donations Page
* File: donationpage.lang.php
* Authors: (MyBBWebhost)Zash & Vintagedaddyo
* MyBB Version: 1.8
* Plugin Version: 2.2
* Copyright 2009-2010 MyBBWebHost, all rights reserved.
* This plugin is provided as-as. You may edit the plugin as you please, but you may not remove this in-file copyright.
* You may not distribute this plugin or claim it as your own.
// Plugin Info
$l['donationpage_info_name'] = 'Donation Page';
$l['donationpage_info_description'] = 'Sets up a page where your users can donate to your PayPal account.';
$l['donationpage_info_website'] = '';
$l['donationpage_info_author'] = 'MyBBWebHost & Vintagedaddyo';
$l['donationpage_info_authorsite'] = '';
$l['donationpage_info_version'] = '2.2';
$l['donationpage_info_compatibility'] = '18*';
$l['donationpage_info_guid'] = '6dd78c94f6ead4eb1770080da7668f63';
// Settings Group
$l['donationpage_settinggroup_title'] = 'Donation Page Settings';
$l['donationpage_settinggroup_description'] = 'Set up and edit your donation page here.';
// Setting 1
$l['donationpage_setting_1_title'] = 'Donation Page Title';
$l['donationpage_setting_1_description'] = 'This is the display title of your donation page.';
$l['donationpage_setting_1_value'] = 'Donation Page';
// Setting 2
$l['donationpage_setting_2_title'] = 'Guest Access';
$l['donationpage_setting_2_description'] = 'Should guests be allowed to donate?';
// Setting 3
$l['donationpage_setting_3_title'] = 'Currency';
$l['donationpage_setting_3_description'] = 'What is the currency you wish to be paid in?';
$l['donationpage_setting_3_value'] = 'USD';
// Setting 4
$l['donationpage_setting_4_title'] = 'PayPal Email';
$l['donationpage_setting_4_description'] = 'What is your PayPal email address?';
$l['donationpage_setting_4_value'] = '[email protected]';
// Setting 5
$l['donationpage_setting_5_title'] = 'Donation Page Message';
$l['donationpage_setting_5_description'] = 'What would you like it to say on the donation page? (HTML Permitted)';
$l['donationpage_setting_5_value'] = "Want to show how much you care about our forum? With web hosting, domain, and advertising costs, it\'s expensive to keep our forum up and running. Currently, all of the expensive come right out of the administrator\'s pocket. That\'s why we now offer a method for you to donate and help us stay online!<br /><br />While the suggested donation is $10, we will be thankful for ALL donations, big and small. 100% of donations will be used for our forums, and NONE of it will be used for personal expenses. To get started, simply enter an amount below and click Donate.";
// Setting 6
$l['donationpage_setting_6_title'] = 'Recommended Donation Amount';
$l['donationpage_setting_6_description'] = 'The amount of money you recommend users to donate (Will appear in textbox by default, do not include currency symbols!)';
$l['donationpage_setting_6_value'] = '10.00';
// Setting 7
$l['donationpage_setting_7_title'] = 'Minimum Donation Amount';
$l['donationpage_setting_7_description'] = 'This is the minimum amount of money required to donate - Recommended: 1, Disable: 0. (Decimal numbers are allowed, do not include currency symbols!)';
$l['donationpage_setting_7_value'] = '1';
// Setting 8
$l['donationpage_setting_8_title'] = 'Keep MyBBWebHost & Vintagedaddyo Credit Line?';
$l['donationpage_setting_8_description'] = 'While we greatly appreciate it if you leave the credits line at the bottom of the Donation Page, it is not required.';
// Setting 9
$l['donationpage_setting_9_title'] = 'Donation Button Locale';
$l['donationpage_setting_9_description'] = 'What is the locale of paypal button?';
$l['donationpage_setting_9_value'] = 'en_US';
Example of another lang (espanol, french, italiano):
* MyBB: Donations Page
* File: donationpage.lang.php
* Authors: (MyBBWebhost)Zash & Vintagedaddyo
* MyBB Version: 1.8
* Plugin Version: 2.2
* Copyright 2009-2010 MyBBWebHost, all rights reserved.
* This plugin is provided as-as. You may edit the plugin as you please, but you may not remove this in-file copyright.
* You may not distribute this plugin or claim it as your own.
// Username
$l['donationpage_username'] = 'Invitado';
// Guest note
$l['donationpage_guest_note_1'] = 'Debes';
$l['donationpage_guest_login'] = 'Iniciar sesion';
$l['donationpage_guest_note_2'] = 'o';
$l['donationpage_guest_register'] = 'Registrarse';
$l['donationpage_guest_note_3'] = 'para donar ¡Lo siento!';
// Form
$l['donationpage_form_username'] = 'Nombre de usuario:';
$l['donationpage_form_amount'] = 'Monto de donacion';
// Credits
$l['donationpage_credits_note'] = 'Plugin de pagina de donacion creado por';
$l['donationpage_credits_by'] = 'MyBBWebHost & Vintagedaddyo';
// WOL
$l['donationpage_wol_viewing'] = 'Visita';
$l['donationpage_wol_viewing_page'] = 'Pagina de donacion';
* MyBB: Donations Page
* File: donationpage.lang.php
* Authors: (MyBBWebhost)Zash & Vintagedaddyo
* MyBB Version: 1.8
* Plugin Version: 2.2
* Copyright 2009-2010 MyBBWebHost, all rights reserved.
* This plugin is provided as-as. You may edit the plugin as you please, but you may not remove this in-file copyright.
* You may not distribute this plugin or claim it as your own.
// Plugin Info
$l['donationpage_info_name'] = 'Pagina de donacion';
$l['donationpage_info_description'] = 'Configura una pagina donde sus usuarios pueden donar a su cuenta PayPal.';
$l['donationpage_info_website'] = '';
$l['donationpage_info_author'] = 'MyBBWebHost & Vintagedaddyo';
$l['donationpage_info_authorsite'] = '';
$l['donationpage_info_version'] = '2.2';
$l['donationpage_info_compatibility'] = '18*';
$l['donationpage_info_guid'] = '6dd78c94f6ead4eb1770080da7668f63';
// Settings Group
$l['donationpage_settinggroup_title'] = 'Configuracion de la pagina de donacion';
$l['donationpage_settinggroup_description'] = 'Configure y edite su pagina de donacion aqui.';
// Setting 1
$l['donationpage_setting_1_title'] = 'Titulo de la pagina de donacion';
$l['donationpage_setting_1_description'] = 'Este es el titulo de visualizacion de su pagina de donacion.';
$l['donationpage_setting_1_value'] = 'Pagina de donacion';
// Setting 2
$l['donationpage_setting_2_title'] = 'Acceso de invitado';
$l['donationpage_setting_2_description'] = '¿Se debe permitir que los invitados donen?';
// Setting 3
$l['donationpage_setting_3_title'] = 'Moneda';
$l['donationpage_setting_3_description'] = '¿Cual es la moneda en la que desea recibir el pago?';
$l['donationpage_setting_3_value'] = 'EUR';
// Setting 4
$l['donationpage_setting_4_title'] = 'E-mail de Paypal';
$l['donationpage_setting_4_description'] = '¿Cual es su direccion de correo electronico de PayPal?';
$l['donationpage_setting_4_value'] = '[email protected]';
// Setting 5
$l['donationpage_setting_5_title'] = 'Mensaje de la pagina de donacion';
$l['donationpage_setting_5_description'] = '¿Que le gustaría que dijera en la pagina de donaciones? (HTML permitido)';
$l['donationpage_setting_5_value'] = "¿Quiere mostrar cuanto le importa nuestro foro? Con los costos de alojamiento web, dominio y publicidad, es costoso mantener nuestro foro en funcionamiento. Actualmente, todos los costosos salen directamente del bolsillo del administrador. ¡Es por eso que ahora ofrecemos un metodo para que done y nos ayude a permanecer en linea! <br /> <br /> Si bien la donacion sugerida es de $10, estaremos agradecidos por TODAS las donaciones, grandes y pequenas. El 100% de las donaciones se utilizaran para nuestros foros, y NINGUNO se utilizara para gastos personales. Para comenzar, simplemente ingrese una cantidad a continuacion y haga clic en Donar.";
// Setting 6
$l['donationpage_setting_6_title'] = 'Cantidad de donacion recomendada';
$l['donationpage_setting_6_description'] = 'La cantidad de dinero que recomienda que los usuarios donen (aparecera en el cuadro de texto de forma predeterminada, ¡no incluya simbolos de moneda!)';
$l['donationpage_setting_6_value'] = '10.00';
// Setting 7
$l['donationpage_setting_7_title'] = 'Monto minimo de donacion';
$l['donationpage_setting_7_description'] = 'Esta es la cantidad minima de dinero requerida para donar - Recomendado: 1, Desactivar: 0. (¡Se permiten numeros decimales, no incluyen simbolos de moneda!)';
$l['donationpage_setting_7_value'] = '1';
// Setting 8
$l['donationpage_setting_8_title'] = '¿Mantener la linea de credito MyBBWebHost y Vintagedaddyo?';
$l['donationpage_setting_8_description'] = 'Si bien agradecemos mucho que deje la linea de creditos en la parte inferior de la pagina de donaciones, no es obligatorio.';
// Setting 9
$l['donationpage_setting_9_title'] = 'Boton de Donacion Local';
$l['donationpage_setting_9_description'] = '¿Cual es la configuracion regional del boton de PayPal?';
$l['donationpage_setting_9_value'] = 'es_ES';
* MyBB: Donations Page
* File: donationpage.lang.php
* Authors: (MyBBWebhost)Zash & Vintagedaddyo
* MyBB Version: 1.8
* Plugin Version: 2.2
* Copyright 2009-2010 MyBBWebHost, all rights reserved.
* This plugin is provided as-as. You may edit the plugin as you please, but you may not remove this in-file copyright.
* You may not distribute this plugin or claim it as your own.
// Username
$l['donationpage_username'] = 'Client';
// Guest note
$l['donationpage_guest_note_1'] = 'Vous devez';
$l['donationpage_guest_login'] = 'S identifier';
$l['donationpage_guest_note_2'] = 'ou';
$l['donationpage_guest_register'] = 'S inscrire';
$l['donationpage_guest_note_3'] = 'afin de faire un don. Desole!';
// Form
$l['donationpage_form_username'] = 'Nom d utilisateur:';
$l['donationpage_form_amount'] = 'Montant du don';
// Credits
$l['donationpage_credits_note'] = 'Plugin Donation Page cree par';
$l['donationpage_credits_by'] = 'MyBBWebHost & Vintagedaddyo';
// WOL
$l['donationpage_wol_viewing'] = 'Visualisation';
$l['donationpage_wol_viewing_page'] = 'Page de don';
* MyBB: Donations Page
* File: donationpage.lang.php
* Authors: (MyBBWebhost)Zash & Vintagedaddyo
* MyBB Version: 1.8
* Plugin Version: 2.2
* Copyright 2009-2010 MyBBWebHost, all rights reserved.
* This plugin is provided as-as. You may edit the plugin as you please, but you may not remove this in-file copyright.
* You may not distribute this plugin or claim it as your own.
// Plugin Info
$l['donationpage_info_name'] = 'Page de don';
$l['donationpage_info_description'] = 'Configure une page ou vos utilisateurs peuvent faire un don a votre compte PayPal.';
$l['donationpage_info_website'] = '';
$l['donationpage_info_author'] = 'MyBBWebHost & Vintagedaddyo';
$l['donationpage_info_authorsite'] = '';
$l['donationpage_info_version'] = '2.2';
$l['donationpage_info_compatibility'] = '18*';
$l['donationpage_info_guid'] = '6dd78c94f6ead4eb1770080da7668f63';
// Settings Group
$l['donationpage_settinggroup_title'] = 'Parametres de la page de don';
$l['donationpage_settinggroup_description'] = 'Configurez et modifiez votre page de don ici.';
// Setting 1
$l['donationpage_setting_1_title'] = 'Titre de la page de don';
$l['donationpage_setting_1_description'] = 'Il s agit du titre d affichage de votre page de don.';
$l['donationpage_setting_1_value'] = 'Page de don';
// Setting 2
$l['donationpage_setting_2_title'] = 'Acces invite';
$l['donationpage_setting_2_description'] = 'Les invites devraient-ils etre autorises a faire un don?';
// Setting 3
$l['donationpage_setting_3_title'] = 'Devise';
$l['donationpage_setting_3_description'] = 'Quelle est la devise dans laquelle vous souhaitez etre paye?';
$l['donationpage_setting_3_value'] = 'EUR';
// Setting 4
$l['donationpage_setting_4_title'] = 'Email Paypal';
$l['donationpage_setting_4_description'] = 'Quelle est votre adresse e-mail PayPal?';
$l['donationpage_setting_4_value'] = '[email protected]';
// Setting 5
$l['donationpage_setting_5_title'] = 'Message de la page de don';
$l['donationpage_setting_5_description'] = 'Qu aimeriez-vous qu il dise sur la page des dons? (HTML autorise)';
$l['donationpage_setting_5_value'] = "Vous voulez montrer a quel point vous vous souciez de notre forum? Avec les couts d l hebergement Web, de domaine et de publicite, il est couteux de maintenir notre forum operationnel. A l heure actuelle, tous les produits couteux sortent de la poche de l administrateur. C est pourquoi nous vous proposons maintenant une methode pour faire un don et nous aider a rester en ligne! <br /> <br /> Bien que le don suggere soit de 10$, nous serons reconnaissants pour TOUS les dons, grands et petits. 100% des dons seront utilises pour nos forums, et AUCUN d entre eux ne sera utilise pour des depenses personnelles. Pour commencer, entrez simplement un montant ci-dessous et cliquez sur Faire un don.";
// Setting 6
$l['donationpage_setting_6_title'] = 'Montant de don recommande';
$l['donationpage_setting_6_description'] = 'Le montant d argent que vous recommandez aux utilisateurs de faire un don (apparaitra dans la zone de texte par defaut, n incluez pas les symboles monetaires!)';
$l['donationpage_setting_6_value'] = '10.00';
// Setting 7
$l['donationpage_setting_7_title'] = 'Montant minimum de don';
$l['donationpage_setting_7_description'] = 'Il s agit du montant minimum requis pour faire un don - Recommande: 1, Desactiver: 0. (Les nombres decimaux sont autorises, n incluez pas les symboles monetaires!)';
$l['donationpage_setting_7_value'] = '1';
// Setting 8
$l['donationpage_setting_8_title'] = 'Conserver la ligne de credit MyBBWebHost & Vintagedaddyo? ';
$l['donationpage_setting_8_description'] = 'Bien que nous apprecions grandement que vous laissiez la ligne de credits au bas de la page de don, ce n est pas obligatoire.';
// Setting 9
$l['donationpage_setting_9_title'] = 'Parametres regionaux du bouton de don';
$l['donationpage_setting_9_description'] = 'Quelle est la localisation du bouton paypal?';
$l['donationpage_setting_9_value'] = 'fr_FR';
* MyBB: Donations Page
* File: donationpage.lang.php
* Authors: (MyBBWebhost)Zash & Vintagedaddyo
* MyBB Version: 1.8
* Plugin Version: 2.2
* Copyright 2009-2010 MyBBWebHost, all rights reserved.
* This plugin is provided as-as. You may edit the plugin as you please, but you may not remove this in-file copyright.
* You may not distribute this plugin or claim it as your own.
// Username
$l['donationpage_username'] = 'Devi';
// Guest note
$l['donationpage_guest_note_1'] = 'You must';
$l['donationpage_guest_login'] = 'Accesso';
$l['donationpage_guest_note_2'] = 'o';
$l['donationpage_guest_register'] = 'Registrati';
$l['donationpage_guest_note_3'] = 'per donare. Scusa!';
// Form
$l['donationpage_form_username'] = 'Nome utente:';
$l['donationpage_form_amount'] = 'Ammontare della donazione';
// Credits
$l['donationpage_credits_note'] = 'Plugin della pagina di donazione creato da';
$l['donationpage_credits_by'] = 'MyBBWebHost & Vintagedaddyo';
// WOL
$l['donationpage_wol_viewing'] = 'Sta guardando';
$l['donationpage_wol_viewing_page'] = 'Pagina di donazione';
* MyBB: Donations Page
* File: donationpage.lang.php
* Authors: (MyBBWebhost)Zash & Vintagedaddyo
* MyBB Version: 1.8
* Plugin Version: 2.2
* Copyright 2009-2010 MyBBWebHost, all rights reserved.
* This plugin is provided as-as. You may edit the plugin as you please, but you may not remove this in-file copyright.
* You may not distribute this plugin or claim it as your own.
// Plugin Info
$l['donationpage_info_name'] = 'Pagina di donazione';
$l['donationpage_info_description'] = 'Imposta una pagina in cui i tuoi utenti possono donare sul tuo conto PayPal.';
$l['donationpage_info_website'] = '';
$l['donationpage_info_author'] = 'MyBBWebHost & Vintagedaddyo';
$l['donationpage_info_authorsite'] = '';
$l['donationpage_info_version'] = '2.2';
$l['donationpage_info_compatibility'] = '18*';
$l['donationpage_info_guid'] = '6dd78c94f6ead4eb1770080da7668f63';
// Settings Group
$l['donationpage_settinggroup_title'] = 'Impostazioni della pagina di donazione';
$l['donationpage_settinggroup_description'] = 'Imposta e modifica la tua pagina di donazione qui.';
// Setting 1
$l['donationpage_setting_1_title'] = 'Titolo della pagina di donazione';
$l['donationpage_setting_1_description'] = 'Questo e il titolo visualizzato della tua pagina di donazione.';
$l['donationpage_setting_1_value'] = 'Pagina di donazione';
// Setting 2
$l['donationpage_setting_2_title'] = 'Accesso ospite';
$l['donationpage_setting_2_description'] = 'Gli ospiti dovrebbero essere autorizzati a donare?';
// Setting 3
$l['donationpage_setting_3_title'] = 'Moneta';
$l['donationpage_setting_3_description'] = 'Qual e la valuta in cui desideri essere pagato?';
$l['donationpage_setting_3_value'] = 'EUR';
// Setting 4
$l['donationpage_setting_4_title'] = 'Email PayPal';
$l['donationpage_setting_4_description'] = 'Qual e il tuo indirizzo email PayPal?';
$l['donationpage_setting_4_value'] = '[email protected]';
// Setting 5
$l['donationpage_setting_5_title'] = 'Messaggio sulla pagina di donazione';
$l['donationpage_setting_5_description'] = 'Cosa vorresti che dicesse sulla pagina delle donazioni? (HTML consentito)';
$l['donationpage_setting_5_value'] = "Vuoi mostrare quanto ti interessa il nostro forum? Con i costi di web hosting, dominio e pubblicita, e costoso mantenere attivo il nostro forum. Attualmente, tutti i costosi escono dalla tasca dell amministratore. Ecco perche ora offriamo un metodo per donare e aiutarci a rimanere online! <br /> <br /> Mentre la donazione suggerita e di $ 10, saremo grati per TUTTE le donazioni, grandi e piccole. Il 100% delle donazioni verra utilizzato per i nostri forum e NESSUNO verra utilizzato per le spese personali. Per iniziare, inserisci semplicemente un importo di seguito e fai clic su Dona.";
// Setting 6
$l['donationpage_setting_6_title'] = 'Importo della donazione raccomandato';
$l['donationpage_setting_6_description'] = 'La quantita di denaro che consigli agli utenti di donare (Apparira nella casella di testo per impostazione predefinita, non includere i simboli di valuta!)';
$l['donationpage_setting_6_value'] = '10.00';
// Setting 7
$l['donationpage_setting_7_title'] = 'Importo minimo della donazione';
$l['donationpage_setting_7_description'] = 'Questa e la quantita minima di denaro richiesta per la donazione - Consigliata: 1, Disabilita: 0. (Sono consentiti numeri decimali, non includere i simboli di valuta!)';
$l['donationpage_setting_7_value'] = '1';
// Setting 8
$l['donationpage_setting_8_title'] = 'Mantenere la linea di credito MyBBWebHost e Vintagedaddyo?';
$l['donationpage_setting_8_description'] = 'Sebbene lo apprezziamo molto se lasci la linea di credito in fondo alla pagina delle donazioni, non e richiesto.';
// Setting 9
$l['donationpage_setting_9_title'] = 'Pulsante Donazione Locale';
$l['donationpage_setting_9_description'] = 'Qual e la locale del pulsante paypal?';
$l['donationpage_setting_9_value'] = 'it_IT';
Etc, etc... (Size: 20.46 KB / Downloads: 105)
Then there is the naordonate plug that is back to life as coderme
And the premium plug Mydonations
Etc, etc, so there are many avail options as one can see,