(2016-10-15, 03:14 PM)Darkrad Wrote: 1- It seems like in a "Creating A New Sidebox" page General - Permissions - Page - Themes are not working, instead I see all of them at once. This can still cause scroll/lock issue when there are many options to fill like this : http://i.hizliresim.com/9GZoq5.jpg
The tabs are not working correctly on your end. This is what it looks like in testing:
(2016-10-15, 03:14 PM)Darkrad Wrote: 2- Blank page issue after doing any change still exists. I might clone my actual forum and try on it, if you are sure there's nothing wrong with plugin.
I can only test in a local environment because my forum is still running MyBB 1.6. I plan to wait until I get all of my plugins upgraded to work with MyBB 1.8 before I upgrade my forum because it depends on many of my plugins for functionality that the users expect.
All that I can tell you is that on my local server, I have absolutely no issue with blank white screens.
(2016-10-15, 03:14 PM)Darkrad Wrote: Doing changes on custom boxes are okay. Doing change on sidebox options are not.
Are you saying that on the Add/Edit Custom box page everything is working correctly, but on the main "Manage Sideboxes" page you are getting errors?
Because I can't reproduce the error I need as much information as you can possibly give me. If you can, answer some of these questions.
Which action is causing the blank screen?
- Creating a new side box?
- Editing an existing side box?
- Changing the order of the side boxes?
- Moving a side box from one column to the other?
If you are still having problems, can you also try to walk down the file list and ensure that every file has been copied correctly?
Since the error is in the ACP routines, the files in
admin/jscripts/asb/ are the most important, but also make sure the rest of them have been copied to the correct locations.
(2016-10-15, 03:14 PM)Darkrad Wrote: 3- No > 0 is working great. Would be nice to have MyAlerts integration and instead of 'announcements' it should show 'alerts'.
That isn't a bad idea. I have tons of work ahead of me in getting all my plugins updated for MyBB 1.8, getting my forum upgraded, and then going back to work through the bugs in both my forum and my plugins. So, I can't promise when I will take on feature requests, but I will make an issue on GitHub for it and time will tell.
(2016-10-15, 03:14 PM)Darkrad Wrote: 4- Add New Custom Box page shows another page with Custom Boxes selected inside.
I'm not sure I am understanding this. Can you send a screen shot?
(2016-10-15, 03:14 PM)Darkrad Wrote: 5- How to change width of sideboxes? Twitter widget can't get smaller than 220px width, and sideboxes are have like 140px width max. : http://i.hizliresim.com/2jz1kq.jpg
Side box width is set for each script that ASB is viewed on. Go to ACP->Plugins->Advanced Sidebox->Manage Scripts and find the page that you want to adjust the width of side boxes on and click its title. If you scroll down you will find the width among those settings.