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[For 1.8] Advanced Sidebox 3.1.19
ASB 3.0.1 Released

  • contained select boxes to prevent overflow
  • removed some hard coded language from modules
  • edited some incorrect '.gif' extensions
  • adding some error checks to the AJAX routines
  • added some missing table HTML in the who's online module
  • moved hard coded HTML from the who's online module into templates
To upgrade just overwrite the files.

Thanks for all the feedback, Darkrad. Try this maintenance update and see if it fixes your problem. I added some fallback logic for when/if JS fails.
Tab issue still exists (instead of in separate tabs I see all content at once) but clicking Save works now, it doesn't give blank white page. But interestingly when I try to put something on right side, it puts to the left. But I can take it back to right. 

Theres old plugin called MyLatestThreads
I think it also does something similar to what I will show but it would be really nice to have this in ASB, like new sidebox or edited version of Recent Posts tab.

Now only if I knew how to do slideshows with links and special class for images. Also there are so many empty areas I would like to get rid of, I wonder which codes I should be changing..

What I tried to show in MS Paint is actually quite similar to what you have in rant central, only with total comment numbers added. My latest threads surely dont like that. Big Grin Also would be nice to have close sidebars button like you got.
(2016-10-16, 09:05 PM)Darkrad Wrote: Tab issue still exists (instead of in separate tabs I see all content at once) but clicking Save works now, it doesn't give blank white page. But interestingly when I try to put something on right side, it puts to the left. But I can take it back to right. 

I wish that I knew what to tell you. Maybe someone else can help us figure out what is going on.

(2016-10-16, 09:05 PM)Darkrad Wrote: Theres old plugin called MyLatestThreads
I think it also does something similar to what I will show but it would be really nice to have this in ASB, like new sidebox or edited version of Recent Posts tab.

What exactly are you asking for?

(2016-10-16, 09:05 PM)Darkrad Wrote: Now only if I knew how to do slideshows with links and special class for images. Also there are so many empty areas I would like to get rid of, I wonder which codes I should be changing..

This issue with the white space on either side of images that are taller than wide has already been brought up. I've come up with the solution and am running it by the original issue creator for input. When that is done I'll try to make some changes to which aspects of the image size the admin can control.

As to the links for each image I will have to look into the best way to do that.
Recent Posts look like this :
Latest Threads look like this :

I am trying to have something like this one (created mostly in Paint, I believe it looks great and probably doable on MyBB) :

It's quite similar to what you got in your forum. Is there a way I can create this via Custom Sideboxes?

Didnt know it was about taller than wide issue btw, I will try to use square images.

Also disable enable sideboxes button would be nice on index.
(2016-10-16, 09:23 PM)Darkrad Wrote: Recent Posts look like this :
Latest Threads look like this :

I am trying to have something like this one (created mostly in Paint, I believe it looks great and probably doable on MyBB) :

It's quite similar to what you got in your forum. Is there a way I can create this via Custom Sideboxes?

It can be done much more easily than that. Go to ACP->Templates & Style->Templates->[Your Theme]->Advanced Sidebox Templates. For the latest threads side box, find and alter asb_latest_threads_thread and for the recent post's module modify asb_recent_posts_post

(2016-10-16, 09:23 PM)Darkrad Wrote: Didnt know it was about taller than wide issue btw, I will try to use square images.

Yeah. I personally don't like the height of the side box to change because of all the movement happening with the boxes underneath, but I will set it up where admin has the option.

(2016-10-16, 09:23 PM)Darkrad Wrote: Also disable enable sideboxes button would be nice on index.

Each user can disable side boxes in User CP, there are toggle icons on either side to toggle the visibility of the side boxes on every page.
By disable I meant like this :

This is what I got so far :

I can't add user's nickname, I need it after Yazar:
Avatar width stays 30 (its in PHP that way) even after you try to change it from ACP.
Not sure if it actually refreshes itself every 5 seconds

I apparently need to disable avatar inorder to have username Confused

I want sideboxes in index not end just before footer, but before index_boardstats I tried it in Manage Scripts but I couldn't do it.
(2016-10-17, 12:37 AM)Darkrad Wrote: By disable I meant like this :

Those toggle arrow icons are part of the plugin, not something specific to my forum. If you are not seeing them then check ACP->Configurations->Settings->Advanced Sidebox settings for "Show Column Visibility Toggle Icons?" and make sure it is set to 'Yes'

(2016-10-17, 12:37 AM)Darkrad Wrote: Not sure if it actually refreshes itself every 5 seconds

You can test it. Simply open another tab, post something and see if it appears on the original tab. Keep in mind that it will always be less than the AJAX refresh rate when you are doing this because you don't know how far the counter is when you post.

I can't be certain, but from all the information you have given me, I feel like you have JavaScript problems that have nothing to do with my plugin.

Can you try something for me? See if the tabs work for you in a standard ACP page. For example, go to ACP->Forums & Posts->Any Forum->Edit Forum and then scroll all the way down and click one of the "Set Custom Permissions" links on the right-hand side of the Forum Permissions table (the last table on the page).

A modal will be shown with tabs. Tell me if they work properly.

Again, I am very sorry that you are having problems.
Ah It was set to No by default and I didn't check those options, thank you.
Yes I tested Ajax refresh, it works great.

Set Custom Permissions modal works properly. I don't know whats causing ASB Java issues I am encountering though.

I am trying to make sideboxes end before the index_boardstats, instead of footer. Could you help me on that?
(2016-10-18, 12:42 AM)Darkrad Wrote: Ah It was set to No by default and I didn't check those options, thank you.
Yes I tested Ajax refresh, it works great.

You're welcome.

(2016-10-18, 12:42 AM)Darkrad Wrote: Set Custom Permissions modal works properly. I don't know whats causing ASB Java issues I am encountering though.

I can't reproduce the problem. Maybe someone else will experience this issue and give us a clue as to what the problem is.

(2016-10-18, 12:42 AM)Darkrad Wrote: I am trying to make sideboxes end before the index_boardstats, instead of footer.  Could you help me on that?

Go to ACP->Configuration->Advanced Sidebox->Manage Scripts->Index and change the Footer Search Text from:

Thank you, worked.

Last issue I faced today:

I am using this code for recent threads
	<td class="trow1" colspan="2">
		<div class="float-right"><div class="sidebar-replies"> {$thread['replies']}</div></div>
		<div class="float_left" style="margin: 5px 8px 0 0;"><img src="{$thread['avatar']}" alt="{$thread['last_post']}" title="{$thread['lastposter']}'s profile" style="width: 30px; border-radius:100%"/></div>
		<div class="float_left">
			<strong><a class="float_left" href="{$mybb->settings['bburl']}/{$thread['threadlink']}" title="{$thread['subject']}"><strong>{$thread['subject']}</strong></a></strong><br>
			<span class="smalltext">Yazar: {$last_poster}</a>, {$lastposttime}</span>

.sidebar-replies {
	background: #191919;
	width: 48px;
	padding: 5px 0;
	text-align: center;
	border-radius: 3px;
	margin-top: 8px;
	font-size: 12px;

.float-right {
  float: right;
  display: inline-block;
  max-width: 130px;
  white-space: nowrap;
  overflow: hidden;
  text-overflow: ellipsis;

.float_left {
  float: left;
  display: inline-block;
  max-width: 130px;
  white-space: nowrap;
  overflow: hidden;
  text-overflow: ellipsis;


With this code I can make user avatar and user nickname shown. But I have to set Avatars are off from module settings. That setting converts $last_poster to user's nickname.

But I noticed that with that setting off, I am unable to see avatars if user has no avatar- therefore uses default avatar. When I turn it on, user's nickname (aka $last_poster) converts to avatar too. 

So I need to find out one of these
1. Is there a way I can add user's nickname with link without using last_poster so I can turn avatar setting on and solve the default avatar issue?
2. Is there a way I can solve this without changing current settings and simply user's avatar being visible even if it's a default avatar.

Note : If anyone else wants to use the code above, you would have to add colspan="2" to every other sidebox template you use.

<a href="{$mybb->settings['bburl']}/member.php?action=profile&uid={$thread['lastposteruid']}">{$thread['lastposter']}</a>

With this code I can get user's nickname and proper URL. But I still can't make it in formatted style.

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