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[For 1.8] Advanced Sidebox 3.1.19
Before header wouldn't work I think and it's currently after header. I am trying to make it start later in page.
It seems I can't do it then.
Advanced Sidebox 3.0.2 Released
Fixes a bug where NULL values cause an SQL error in STRICT mode.

To upgrade, simply overwrite the existing files.
Is it possible to put % instead of px for avatar size? Or do I have to edit the code directly?

Edit: I edited the latest thread php, apparently is hard coded. Hopefully it will become soft coded in future.
With IPB Theme by eNVy...this plugin broken board...
Can you make a tutorial for IPB Theme by eNVy?
(2016-12-07, 02:28 AM)Lu5ck Wrote: Is it possible to put % instead of px for avatar size? Or do I have to edit the code directly?

Edit: I edited the latest thread php, apparently is hard coded. Hopefully it will become soft coded in future.

That seems like a valid point. I'll look into it when I have time. Thanks.

You can track my progress here:

(2016-12-07, 08:20 PM)AlexanderPep Wrote: With IPB Theme by eNVy...this plugin broken board...
Can you make a tutorial for IPB Theme by eNVy?

Can you link me to the theme?

The theme is perfect...but can't install sidebar plugin...on the right side doesn't work..and i don't know to make changes in templates
I am able to add both sides and it works fine:

[Image: fD8AtyP.png]
Right side :

Left Side :

i have 4 themes...only this theme is broken with sidebar

Can you help me? Thanks

the owner IPB theme - eNVy don't help me with this problem...and my default theme is ipb
the plugin is amazing

it's a problem with <div class="stats clearfix"> from index_stats

i replace all index_stats with

<td class="trow1">

Forum Statistics<br />

{$lang->stats_posts_threads}<br />
{$lang->stats_numusers}<br />
{$lang->stats_mostonline}<br />


now it's ok, but look this : /
is not ok...sidebar is higher than forums box

Update : i solved the index
<table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="{$theme['tablespace']}" border="0">
i replaced {$theme['tablespace']} with 0 and now it;s ok :

Is a problem if i edited index_boardstats? Smile
(2016-12-09, 04:01 AM)AlexanderPep Wrote: Is a problem if i edited index_boardstats? Smile

No, it shouldn't be. I am glad you got it working. Smile
So, having an issue getting a sidebar on the right to display properly.


That huge space is where the old custom sidebar was, however I can't seem to find where ASB stuck its display code in any templates. Which template does it stick the reference to its template set in by default?

E: Fixed, just had to output to variables instead.

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