Hi there! I'm trying to get the master accounts called in accountlist.php to list by username ASC but I can't seem to find the right place to put the command. Could someone help me out please?
Thank you in advance!
Thank you in advance!
* Enhanced Account Switcher for MyBB 1.8
* Copyright (c) 2012-2015 doylecc
* http://mybbplugins.de.vu
* based on the Plugin:
* Account Switcher 1.0 by Harest
* Copyright (c) 2011 Harest
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
define("KILL_GLOBALS", 1);
define("IN_MYBB", 1);
define('THIS_SCRIPT', 'accountlist.php');
define("EAS_PROFILEFIELD", 1);
//define("NO_ONLINE", 1); // Remove from online list
$templatelist = 'accountswitcher_accountlist,accountswitcher_accountlist_master,accountswitcher_accountlist_attached,accountswitcher_accountlist_shared,accountswitcher_accountlist_endbit,accountswitcher_profilefield,accountswitcher_avatar,accountswitcher_profilefield_head,accountswitcher_profilefield_attached';
require_once "./global.php";
// Deny guest access
if ($mybb->user['uid'] == 0)
// Redirect back if accountlist disabled
if ($mybb->settings['aj_list'] != 1)
redirect("index.php", $lang->aj_list_disabled);
// Load language file
// Add breadcrumb navigation
// Declare variables
$masters = array();
$count = 0;
$accountlist = $accountlist_masterbit = $masterlink = $attachedlink = $profile_head = $profilefield_attached = $profile_field = $profile_name = $viewableby = $as_accountlist_hidden = '';
$colspan_head = 'colspan="2"';
$colspan = '';
$master_width = 'width="50%"';
$avadims = 'width="auto" height="44"';
$tb_row = '</tr>';
// Incoming results per page?
$mybb->input['perpage'] = $mybb->get_input('perpage', 1);
if ($mybb->input['perpage'] > 0 && $mybb->input['perpage'] <= 50)
$per_page = $mybb->input['perpage'];
$per_page = $mybb->input['perpage'] = 20;
// Page
$page = $mybb->get_input('page', 1);
if ($page && $page > 0)
$start = ($page - 1) * $per_page;
$start = 0;
$page = 1;
// If profile field enabled, change colspans and get user fields
if ($mybb->settings['aj_profilefield'] == 1 && (int)$mybb->settings['aj_profilefield_id'] > 0)
$colspan_head = 'colspan="4"';
$colspan = 'colspan="2"';
$tb_row = '';
// Load account data from cache
$accounts = $eas->accountswitcher_cache;
if (is_array($accounts))
// Find all master accounts
foreach ($accounts as $key => $account)
$masters[] = $account['as_uid'];
$masters = array_unique($masters);
$masters = array_values($masters);
// Count all master accounts
$num_masters = count($masters);
// Show only number of master acounts per page
$masters = array_slice($masters, $start, $per_page);
if (is_array($masters))
foreach ($masters as $master_acc)
$master = get_user($master_acc);
if (!empty($master['uid']))
$profilefield = ' ';
$hidden = 0;
// Hide users with privacy setting enabled
if (($mybb->usergroup['cancp'] != 1 && $mybb->user['uid'] != $master['uid'] && $mybb->settings['aj_privacy'] == 1 && $master['as_privacy'] == 1)
&& (($mybb->user['as_uid'] > 0 && $mybb->user['as_uid'] != $master['uid'])
|| ($mybb->user['as_uid'] == 0 && $mybb->user['uid'] != $master['as_uid'])))
$masterAvatar = $eas->attached_avatar($mybb->settings['default_avatar'], $mybb->settings['useravatardims']);
$masterlink = $masterAvatar.$lang->aj_hidden_master;
// Display master account
$attachedPostUser = htmlspecialchars_uni($master['username']);
$masterAvatar = $eas->attached_avatar($master['avatar'], $master['avatardimensions']);
$masterlink = $masterAvatar.'<br/><span style="font-weight: bold;" title="Master Account">'.build_profile_link(format_name($attachedPostUser, $master['usergroup'], $master['displaygroup']), (int)$master['uid']).'</span>';
// Get profile field
if ($mybb->settings['aj_profilefield'] == 1 && (int)$mybb->settings['aj_profilefield_id'] > 0)
$master_width = 'width="28%"';
$profile_field = $eas->get_profilefield($master['uid']);
$accountlist_masterbit .= eval($templates->render('accountswitcher_accountlist_master'));
// Display shared account
if ($account['as_buddyshare'] != 0)
$lang->as_isshared = $lang->as_isshared_buddy;
if ($mybb->settings['aj_profilefield'] == 1 && (int)$mybb->settings['aj_profilefield_id'] > 0)
$profilefield = ' ';
$profile_field = eval($templates->render('accountswitcher_profilefield'));
$accountlist_masterbit .= eval($templates->render('accountswitcher_accountlist_shared'));
// Sort accounts by first, secondary, shared accounts and by uid or username
$accounts = $eas->sort_attached();
// Get all attached accounts
foreach ($accounts as $key => $account)
if ($account['as_uid'] == $master_acc)
$profilefield = ' ';
// Hide users with privacy setting enabled
if ($mybb->usergroup['cancp'] != 1 && $mybb->user['uid'] != $account['uid'] && $mybb->settings['aj_privacy'] == 1 && $account['as_privacy'] == 1)
if (($mybb->user['as_uid'] != 0 && $mybb->user['as_uid'] != $account['as_uid'] && $mybb->user['as_uid'] != $account['uid'])
|| ($mybb->user['as_uid'] == 0 && $mybb->user['uid'] != $account['as_uid']))
if ($count > 0)
// Display attached account
$attachedPostUser = htmlspecialchars_uni($account['username']);
if ($mybb->settings['aj_sharestyle'] == 1 && $account['as_share'] != 0)
$attachedbit = eval($templates->render('accountswitcher_shared_accountsbit'));
elseif ($mybb->settings['aj_secstyle'] == 1 && $account['as_sec'] != 0 && $account['as_share'] == 0)
$user_sec_reason = htmlspecialchars_uni($account['as_secreason']);
$attachedbit = eval($templates->render('accountswitcher_sec_accountsbit'));
$attachedbit = format_name($attachedPostUser, (int)$account['usergroup'], (int)$account['displaygroup']);
$attachedAvatar = $eas->attached_avatar($account['avatar'], $account['avatardimensions']);
$attachedlink = '<div class="char_av">'.$attachedAvatar.'</div><div class="char_name">'.build_profile_link($attachedbit, (int)$account['uid']).'</div>';
// Get profile field
if ($mybb->settings['aj_profilefield'] == 1 && (int)$mybb->settings['aj_profilefield_id'] > 0)
$profile_field = $eas->get_profilefield($account['uid'], true);
$accountlist_masterbit .= eval($templates->render('accountswitcher_accountlist_attached'));
// Show number of hidden attached accounts
if ($hidden > 0)
$as_accountlist_hidden = '<tr><td class="trow1" style="padding: 8px 0 0 65px;">'.$lang->sprintf($lang->aj_hidden, $hidden).'</td></tr>';
$accountlist_masterbit .= eval($templates->render('accountswitcher_accountlist_endbit'));
$as_accountlist_hidden = '';
$accountlist_masterbit .= eval($templates->render('accountswitcher_accountlist_endbit'));
// Multipage
$search_url = htmlspecialchars_uni("accountlist.php?perpage={$mybb->input['perpage']}");
$multipage = multipage($num_masters, $per_page, $page, $search_url);
// Output accountlist
$accountlist .= eval($templates->render('accountswitcher_accountlist'));