Solved: 8 Years, 2 Months ago SQL Error when trying to register!
Solved: 8 Years, 2 Months ago
Hey guys, when a player registers they get this error:

SQL Error:1062 - Duplicate entry '' for key 'loginname'Query: INSERT INTO mybb_users (username,password,salt,loginkey,email,postnum,threadnum,avatar,avatartype,usergroup,additionalgroups,displaygroup,usertitle,regdate,lastactive,lastvisit,website,icq,aim,yahoo,skype,google,birthday,signature,allownotices,hideemail,subscriptionmethod,receivepms,receivefrombuddy,pmnotice,pmnotify,showimages,showvideos,showsigs,showavatars,showquickreply,showredirect,tpp,ppp,invisible,style,timezone,dstcorrection,threadmode,daysprune,dateformat,timeformat,regip,language,showcodebuttons,sourceeditor,buddyrequestspm,buddyrequestsauto,away,awaydate,returndate,awayreason,notepad,referrer,referrals,buddylist,ignorelist,pmfolders,warningpoints,moderateposts,moderationtime,suspendposting,suspensiontime,coppauser,classicpostbit,usernotes,myalerts_disabled_alert_types) VALUES ('test','925eb0b4e0233dcc139e95d34ee9e0c9','GfZ4YrSD','PgK4Agw2A8JxhvOeh1oPrfu0o1SCaGCcoO2IfvblmG2kxLV5wn','[email protected]',0,0,'','',5,'',0,'',1479172036,1479172036,1479172036,'',0,'','','','','2-3-1

My board url is here:

I haven't installed any new plugins and registrations were working fine till yesterday.
Solved: 8 Years, 2 Months ago
Appears that the user is using the same name as "test". I would highly suggest making sure you are using the most current version of MyBB.
Hey Everyone I am back! I will slowly be in progression of helping you all with your questions!

Solved: 8 Years, 2 Months ago
(2016-11-15, 01:27 AM)VoIP Wrote: Appears that the user is using the same name as "test". I would highly suggest making sure you are using the most current version of MyBB.

I am, these issues have arised after trying to install the steam login plugin. Also yes that user had the username of test as I was testing it, but it does it for any kind of username.
Solved: 8 Years, 2 Months ago
Is the MyBB plugin for 1.8?
Hey Everyone I am back! I will slowly be in progression of helping you all with your questions!

Solved: 8 Years, 2 Months ago
(2016-11-15, 03:23 AM)VoIP Wrote: Is the MyBB plugin for 1.8?

Yep but it didn't work so I removed it.
Solved: 8 Years, 2 Months ago
(2016-11-15, 05:04 AM)orc Wrote:
(2016-11-15, 03:23 AM)VoIP Wrote: Is the MyBB plugin for 1.8?

Yep but it didn't work so I removed it.

Same issue?
Hey Everyone I am back! I will slowly be in progression of helping you all with your questions!

Solved: 8 Years, 2 Months ago
(2016-11-15, 05:09 AM)VoIP Wrote:
(2016-11-15, 05:04 AM)orc Wrote:
(2016-11-15, 03:23 AM)VoIP Wrote: Is the MyBB plugin for 1.8?

Yep but it didn't work so I removed it.

Same issue?

Solved: 8 Years, 2 Months ago
^ have you disabled & uninstalled the steam plugin or just removed its files ?
which steam plugin you have tried - can you give its link ..
Solved: 8 Years, 2 Months ago
(2016-11-15, 06:28 AM).m. Wrote: ^ have you disabled & uninstalled the steam plugin or just removed its files ?
which steam plugin you have tried - can you give its link ..

Turns out that the Steam plugin by stewartiee adds an extra column in the mybb_users table called loginname. After disabling, and uninstalling the steam plugin and removing its files the loginname column was still there. Removing the loginname column fixed this problem. Thanks for the help.

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