Not Solved Users cannot register on my forum
Not Solved
I created a new forum. Me and two others have registered. Two other people have not been successful. I have adjusted the admin settings, to permit proxies, the same email, set the spam filter on low. However, they were not able to, they received an error: 

Your activities remind actions of bots. Please contact technical support forum (error code: V16D9255991484307706)

I tried to create an account for them to use, but got the same error. I had unticked the box that says to remember passwords. When I finally tried to leave the box ticked, it allowed the account to be created.

I am able to log into the new accounts, there are two of them. I logged into one of them, and tried to make a post with it, but received this error message:

The following errors must be corrected before the message can be posted:
  • Your activities remind actions of bots. Please contact technical support forum (error code: V11F32DE881484320847).

Link to my forum:

Thank you in advance.
Not Solved
You'll need to ask about this, it looks like something they've added to your forum, it's nothing we can fix.

In fact, the whole hosting is very confusing - as far as I can see, you're not actually even running MyBB, I think they're just using the same name as us. Either way, you need to ask them for help, not us.
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