Not Solved Advanced Sidebox
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Hello i install the Advaaced Sidebox plugin.But before this i made an manual sidebox.I want to pot the rest of sidebox after the Counter-Strike sidebox.What can i do ?
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Is Counter Strike sidebox a part of Advanced Sidebox? if not, remove it and add it as a part of Advanced Sidebox.
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Not it's not but if you see is looking more good tha advanced sidebox.I want to pot the Advanced sidebox in same style
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Sorry you are having problems.

Darkrad has the right idea. You need to remove the custom sidebar and re-create it using this plugin.

(2017-01-14, 10:13 AM)SFX Wrote: I want to pot the Advanced sidebox in same style

The main differences I see are that your custom box doesn't use the expanders. To change that in ASB, go to ACP -> Configuration -> ASB Settings: and set Show Expand/Collapse Icons? to NO

...and that the titles are centered. To change that go to ACP -> Templates & Styles -> [Your Theme] -> global.css -> Advanced Mode and add this code:

#asb_left_column_id td.thead, #asb_right_column_id td.thead {
	text-align: center;
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Man if you see the position of my custom sidebar is under the shoutbox and more colser with the forum.
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This plugin can be customized.

Read this:
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Maybe in the next update his come with this function.
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(2017-01-14, 09:46 PM)SFX Wrote: Maybe in the next update his come with this function.

I'm not sure what you mean. You can customize the output in many, many ways. With a little effort, you can make it look like you want.

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