Not Solved Having a problem with User's logging in
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I just released my forum and some users are saying that when they register, it throws them back to the login in page and does not allow them to get past the login.

can anyone help?

Cookie Domain
The domain which cookies should be set to. This can remain blank. It should also start with a . so it covers all subdomains.

Cookie Path
The path which cookies are set to. We recommend setting this to the full directory path to your forums with a trailing slash.

Cookie Prefix
A prefix to append to all cookies set by MyBB. This is useful if you wish to install multiple copies of MyBB on the one domain or have other software installed which conflicts with the names of the cookies in MyBB. If not specified, no prefix will be used.
This field is blank
Not Solved
Your cookie path is wrong. It needs to be something like /var/www/public_html/forums/
Not Solved
Thanks. I saw this on another question and changed to what I showed.

Just removing it fixed things.
Not Solved
Don't remove them, just set them to the right values - the cookie domain should be and the path should be /forum/ - this is what the installer would have pre-populated the fields to.
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