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Solved: 7 Years, 7 Months, 3 Weeks ago [Error Message] Problem Sending Message to the user UID 1
Solved: 7 Years, 7 Months, 3 Weeks ago

The Problem

When any member tries to send a Private Message to the user with UID 1, it shows this error: http://prnt.sc/eu94jx
I am using the UID 1. It is the super admin account as well.

The Forum Link

I am running the MyBB version 1.8.10. If anyone requires a Test account, post below. 
Your kind help and co-operation is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Solved: 7 Years, 7 Months, 3 Weeks ago
username of uid 1 has a special character at the end (space ?) - above referred issue should be fixed by removing that character
Solved: 7 Years, 7 Months, 3 Weeks ago
(2017-04-09, 01:05 PM).m. Wrote: username of uid 1 has a special character at the end (space ?) - above referred issue should be fixed by removing that character

Hi, thank you so much. That worked! This can be closed now.  Smile
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