Using MyBB as a commenting system in WordPress?
Hello everyone,

Is there a way / are there examples of using MyBB as an integrated commenting system in WordPress?

By which I mean, each WordPress blog article would have a comment section at its bottom, but the "comments" would actually be one or more threads on my MyBB forum. (Looking at it from MyBB, a particular MyBB conversation would also be the comments on a blog post.) 

Ideally, they would seem to be an organic part of the WordPress page (even though it's actually a MyBB thread). But users could also readily jump from the blog's comments over to MyBB, and see that thread in the larger picture of MyBB proper; all the forum threads on my site. (On that blog post and other blog posts, as well as other forum posts that aren't blog comments.)

I hope this is making sense? To me, most current blog comment implementations seem to have a limited, dumbed-down version of the functionality of forum conversations. So it's be great if I can simply use the power of good forum software for comments instead.

I think I see some things that can integrate MyBB and WordPress (like maybe WordBB), but I can't readily find examples of them being implemented. So I can't really see or know what they do. If you know of some sites that have reviews of things that can integrate these, or show it in action, that would be great.

I should point out, I am hoping for something simple. I'm just an old Windows dinosaur but now I have a dozen new languages and a hundred new apps to learn, while trying to make my own WP / MyBB / Mediawiki site. Arg! So anything that takes more than 1 minute, is 1 more minute than I wish I had to spend. Multiply it by 1,000 minutes for every Tom grape and Harry issue, that's the number of minutes I am actually having to spend. lol

The straw man alternatives are either default WordPress comments, or not allowing comments at all, but instead simply putting a hard link to a specific thread created over on my MyBB, to serve as a place for comments. (One specific link on each blog page leading to one specific forum thread, purposed to that one blog.) 

In this latter option, it would be nice to be able to show some of that thread, on the WordPress blog page. Or even just give a comment count there at the bottom of the blog page. Anything to try to show folks that there is (or could be) an active discussion over on my MyBB.

On another topic, I am also looking for some related functionality which might or might not exist in the WP+MyBB solution:
1) A way for folks to use social media logon info for MyBB (and thus the WP comments, if I am actually using MyBB for my WP comments)
2) A way for MyBB and WP to share login credentials so that if someone makes an account on one, they don't need to do it again for the other.

This is for my personal website. It's very tiny right now and will probably never be very big. I am not yet sure I want to open my Wordpress and my wiki for others to have accounts (past ones I might make by hand for people I can clearly trust), but I know I want to open my MyBB so that anyone can start or jump into a discussion on topics of interest to me.

I know I've asked a lot, but it's such an open question. Thanks so much if you can give me some pointers!
You are looking for a integration that does not exists in MyBB, for now. I have seen articles posted as topics on forum. A few software do that. Those are paid ones though.

Quote:1) A way for folks to use social media logon info for MyBB (and thus the WP comments, if I am actually using MyBB for my WP comments)

I believe MyBB has a social login plugin already. Check the " Extend " section.
I have heard about an Add On called WordBB, never tried it though.
- MyBB Heart
Since there doesn't seem to be an easy way to use MyBB for WP comments, I will probably do my Plan C: 

At the bottom of each WP blog post, have a hardlink to one specific forum thread I already made for each blog page. 

On the forum side, there will be a thread I already started, specific to that one blog post, to which people can then post messages. 

They will also then see that it all exists in the larger MyBB forum context, and that they can create or participate in related threads in that section, too. Plus see all my other forum sections. Hopefully it will underscore the robustness of my site (as if anyone is ever going to come, lol).

Plan C begs two questions in my mind:

1) If I have a hardlink... Is there an easy way to show some or all of the forum thread at the bottom of my blog pages? At its simplest level, this could simply be some sort of encapsulated/packaged re-display of the thread, with no functionality except that it clicks you through to the thread, if you click on it.

2) Is it possible to have "variable text" inserted into forum messages? See, if I have quite a few blog posts, each with its own hardlink to a specific purposed thread on the forum, it would be nice to have some standard text in the first message of each of these threads - an explainer for newbies about my site organization, how they'll need to make a MyBB account, etc.

I will probably start a new thread on these two Plan C topics soon.

I appreciate your input, WallBB and meetdilip! Meetdilip, I had seen some mention of social login, but some of them are dated, etc. I should probably should start a message specific to that if I want specific current recommendations, eh?

There may not be a lot of replies to my questions, but that tells me something, too. 

Thanks all!
Shade has developed 3 plugins that will let you login with Twitter, Facebook, or Google+ respectively. As for your initial question, I wouldn't try implementing that to be honest. Seems unnecessarily complex and MyBB simply isn't designed to work like that.

What I would suggest, instead of pre-creating threads on your forum and manually linking them (this would get frustrating quickly if you have a lot of posts), is making a really simple API in MyBB that you can call from WP. Granted I'm not familiar with what capabilities WP has for making calls to external webpages, really all you'd need to do is whenever you publish a new blog thread, make a call to your MyBB API and pass the title of the new article. Your MyBB API would then call its own functions to auto-create a new thread in the specified forum with the given title of the blog post.
My Plugins: [1.8]|[1.6]

** Selling custom plugin that enables Bitcoin payments. PM me if interested in purchasing! **
(2017-05-04, 08:58 PM)fizz Wrote: What I would suggest, instead of pre-creating threads on your forum and manually linking them (this would get frustrating quickly if you have a lot of posts), is making a really simple API in MyBB that you can call from WP. Granted I'm  not familiar with what capabilities WP has for making calls to external webpages, really all you'd need to do is whenever you publish a new blog thread, make a call to your MyBB API and pass the title of the new article. Your MyBB API would then call its own functions to auto-create a new thread in the specified forum with the given title of the blog post.

Thanks, fizz! I will look for Shade's plugins.

I can entirely see the logic in what you say, but I don't post to my blog often. I tend to do a few long posts each month. My site is probably best described as having occasional deep reviews or consumer help articles. You see how I type too much already, laugh. 

Internally, I am debating whether it's best to put most of my articles on WordPress or my MediaWiki copy, in fact. 

Is it possible to have a "variable text insert" that I can put in MyBB messages? Where, if I put some sort of variable into the text of the message, it "expands" to show readers something else. (So that a number of messages can have this, and I can update it in one place.) I suspect that this is easy, but I just don't know the right word to look for, to find that functionality. (What does MyBB call a variable that can be expanded into text?)
(2017-05-02, 05:29 PM)RedKnight Wrote: Hello everyone,

Is there a way / are there examples of using MyBB as an integrated commenting system in WordPress?

By which I mean, each WordPress blog article would have a comment section at its bottom, but the "comments" would actually be one or more threads on my MyBB forum. (Looking at it from MyBB, a particular MyBB conversation would also be the comments on a blog post.) 

Ideally, they would seem to be an organic part of the WordPress page (even though it's actually a MyBB thread). But users could also readily jump from the blog's comments over to MyBB, and see that thread in the larger picture of MyBB proper; all the forum threads on my site. (On that blog post and other blog posts, as well as other forum posts that aren't blog comments.)
 It is possible to automate the process of adding a MyBB thread to each web page, but it also helps if you store your web pages locally in a database, and generate the web apge from your stored data.
The MyBB thread is best inside an iframe at then end of the main content on each page.

The automated process can be done by using a script to control Selenium which does the work of creating the thread using a browser, so no direct access to MyBB is needed other than the normal admin interface.

I have created a tutorial on this subject at

Several sections of my website uses this automated addition of MyBB threads.

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