Easiest Way To Implement Website's Design Into MyBB Theme
I'm sure this question has been asked hundreds of times, however, can anyone point me to guides or provide me with information on how to implement my website's design onto my forum? Something tells me I'll have to work on the global css file, since it say this CSS pertains to all pages? However, I want to be sure.  Huh
Yes you can modify css for your design in global.css but you will also have to modify to create the look and feel. In some cases, you might have to add plugin variables as well.
Please check this guide :-

- MyBB Heart
(2017-07-05, 10:41 PM)Spudz007 Wrote: I'm sure this question has been asked hundreds of times, however, can anyone point me to guides or provide me with information on how to implement my website's design onto my forum? Something tells me I'll have to work on the global css file, since it say this CSS pertains to all pages? However, I want to be sure.  Huh

I just finished doing this for myself.

In templates, you need to edit headersinclude to include the css and any javascript your website's header uses.

Then add the html to the header template.

You will probably need to clean up the css from your website so it doesn't interfere with the rest of the mybb theme.

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