But I don't want OTHER members of the secondary group to have the same forum privileges as the moderators.
Think of it this way: There are 5 forums, each with a moderator (setup both user AND forum-side). Each of the 5 forums has a corresponding group that can ONLY access their own forum. ONLY MODERATORS can post threads in their own forum and group members can only view their own forums. If a regular user is a member of more than one group, they can view the forums for each of their groups just fine. I want moderators to be members of groups they don't moderate without having moderator privileges in the other groups. But when I put them in other groups, the moderator permissions for their forum are overridden by the other group(s), and they can no longer post threads in their forum, even with forum-side moderator settings. If instead of using groups I set them up as moderators on the forums they don't moderate (restricting their ability to do moderator stuff forum-side) they can post threads in their forum AND the other forum(s), but I don't want that, I only want them to able to post in their own forum and view other forums only if they are members of those groups. I don't want to give regular group members the ability to post at all, but moderator that are also group members should be able to post only in their forum and view other forums only if they are members of those groups. Is this possible, or do I have to create unique user groups for each user?