2017-12-12, 01:07 AM
Regular expression: (\n|^)>(.*?)(\n|$)
Replacement: $1<span style="color: #4CAF50;">>$2</span>$3
What it does:
Whenever someone writes > it greentexts whatever is after the symbol, as long as it is on a new line
With the above code, this happens:
>if you greentext
>many lines
>it only makes
>every other
>line green
How do I fix this? I did look for previous threads about this, but no fix for this problem.
Replacement: $1<span style="color: #4CAF50;">>$2</span>$3
What it does:
Whenever someone writes > it greentexts whatever is after the symbol, as long as it is on a new line
With the above code, this happens:
>if you greentext
>many lines
>it only makes
>every other
>line green
How do I fix this? I did look for previous threads about this, but no fix for this problem.