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[For 1.8] Picture Perfect 0.0.9 ALPHA

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[Image: q1W0aFv.png]

make your MyBB forum images just right

This plugin allows you to view all of the posted images on your forum, perform image operations on those images, store them in sets, rehost them locally or through a website.

THIS PLUGIN IS CURRENTLY IN ALPHA STAGE— do not use on a live forum!

[Image: xM9vpAw.png]

Current Features:
  • view and manage all of your forum's images
  • create thumbnails of images posted on your forum
  • rehost images on your forum locally
  • rehost images on your forum on Imgur
  • replace or remove posted forum images
  • view and manage image sets
Change Log:

0.0.2 ALPHA, 0.0.3 ALPHA, 0.0.4 ALPHA, 0.0.5 ALPHA, 0.0.6 ALPHA, 0.0.7 ALPHA, 0.0.8 ALPHA



Please report any problems found at the GitHub repository for this project, in this thread or in a new thread on MyBB Community Forums. Although I will answer questions at my own forum, I prefer not to.

Make Picture Perfect Better!

Feel free to add advice or feedback. Go to GitHub and collaborate. Help and advice is always welcome. Smile
My hope is that there is enough interest in this plugin to garner some feature requests and build some sort of road map in the first part of 2018. In this way, I hope to avoid the pitfalls I have fell into in creating some of my earlier plugins.

Also, if there is not enough interest I can feel better about just building this for myself.

My intent:
The following is my limited image needs for my forum.
  • Creating thumbnails of images in particular threads to used in slide shows for Advanced Sidebox
  • Rehosting images in certain threads so that there aren't dead images when hosting sites fold/change tiers
  • Possibly including a small set of image manipulation tasks like brighten/darken, blur, contrast, etc.

    I've looked at Grafika and might consider it as a dependency to add features.
  • An image feed page that can show latest images from everywhere/a certain forum/thread/etc

Also, I need feedback on:
  • For starters, is this idea useful at all?
  • What type of features would you like to see?
  • If image manipulation is added, what are some filters you'd like to see?
  • Would you be interested in an Advanced Sidebox addon module to display slideshows?
  • Do you have any suggestions for rehosting platforms that could be supported?
does this plugin have lightbox2 feature for images posted?
plugins that i've found on here only does it for attached image i think
(2017-12-31, 08:32 AM)8guawong Wrote: does this plugin have lightbox2 feature for images posted?
plugins that i've found on here only does it for attached image i think

This plugin barely has any features at all, at the moment.

That is the purpose of this thread— for users to tell me what features they would like to see included in the final version. This is the ALPHA version and only has built-in image handling/viewing and allows creating thumbnails at this point.

As far as lightbox, I'll be glad to look into if there is interest.
Good idea Wildcard,

would make it easy to manage posted images across forums save some time.

Feature wise for me the obvious delete is the biggest outside of that editing captions and also some form of size and hosting location we all hate those dead links when you try and read a tutorial or something posted including images.

Personally i would like some EXIF data to be able to be viewed handy for photography stuff and if the tool is going to be available to moderators etc can help manage user submitted stuff but hey that is a personal one and not that big a deal.

Overall i like your thinking in asking the questions before you commit time to far in to this one i look forward to seeing your future releases.
Coming soon......
(2018-01-02, 09:48 AM)fishntassie Wrote: Good idea Wildcard,

would make it easy to manage posted images across forums save some time.

You're welcome. Thanks for the kind words.

(2018-01-02, 09:48 AM)fishntassie Wrote: Feature wise for me the obvious delete is the biggest

I hadn't actually considered moderation. Nice one. Thanks.

(2018-01-02, 09:48 AM)fishntassie Wrote: outside of that editing captions

This is something I forgot to mention in the OP, but is important to me as well. I want to do that mostly so that slide shows can have captions for each image.

(2018-01-02, 09:48 AM)fishntassie Wrote: and also some form of size and hosting location we all hate those dead links when you try and read a tutorial or something posted including images.

Re-hosting is a definite. It is one of the most important features to me.

(2018-01-02, 09:48 AM)fishntassie Wrote: Personally i would like some EXIF data to be able to be viewed handy for photography stuff and if the tool is going to be available to moderators etc can help manage user submitted stuff but hey that is a personal one and not that big a deal.

I don't know a lot about this, but I will look into it. Thanks.

(2018-01-02, 09:48 AM)fishntassie Wrote: Overall i like your thinking in asking the questions before you commit time to far in to this one i look forward to seeing your future releases.

Thanks. Just trying to avoid the same issues I had with ASB where I build something and then the feature requests require me to basically start over to make everyone happy (or at least some of them).

Thanks again for your thoughts.
hello Wildcard since i don't really know how to express it in words
I've PMed you about some of the feature that i think would be great
Hi 8guawong,

Thank you for taking the time to give your input on the future of this plugin.

For the benefit of those reading the thread, 8guawong suggested an image feed thread with some really cool features including basic lightbox-type display, but with the added feature of being able to zoom the images by using the mouse wheel.

It is something I will keep in mind, but I would like to hear what the community thinks.
(2018-01-05, 10:10 PM)Wildcard Wrote: Hi 8guawong,

Thank you for taking the time to give your input on the future of this plugin.

For the benefit of those reading the thread, 8guawong suggested an image feed thread with some really cool features including basic lightbox-type display, but with the added feature of being able to zoom the images by using the mouse wheel.

It is something I will keep in mind, but I would like to hear what the community thinks.

nice  Big Grin
look for .webp image format and than you can may interest to build something around it. you can create an upload form with converter so images can be hosted on same server.

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