[request] Sortof a calendar alert thing
OK, my mum is starting a new site, and what she does is:
1. Gets someone to register, with their partners name
2. Every time their partner has a birthday or anniversary etc, she buys and gives them a gift.

So what I want is some kind of alert plugin. When a user registers to the forum, you get a few new profile fields:

1. Partner: (drop down list, Husband|Wife|Daughter|Son|Mum|Dad|Other

2. Partners Age

3. Occassion 1 (required): (Birthday, anniversary etc)

4. Occassion 2: (Birthday, anniversary etc)

5. Occassion 3: (Birthday, anniversary etc)

6. Occassion 4: (Birthday, anniversary etc)

7. Occasion 1 Date (required): (2 drop down boxes, day and month)

8. Occasion 2 Date:

9. Occasion 3 Date:

10. Occasion 4 Date:

11. Partner's Address:

12. Partner's Phone Number

13. Preferred Gift: (drop down bix with categories, I'd like to edit myself)

Then, 2 weeks before the date in question, when the admin logs on, you get a popup, and it just takes you to a page that shows all the events added since the last time you logged in.

Set the page table as below:
Username: Partner: Age: Occasion: Date:

Side notes:

1. The table with events is for ADMINS ONLY, and does not have to be fancy, just a normal, white page, with the table on it.



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