Not Solved [split] plugin installation
Not Solved
Hi,,Can anyone tell me how to upload this plugin? I just downloaded the link and saw a php file only. Where should I put this file?

Auto-Reply to a New Thread
This little plugin will automatically reply to a new thread in a specific forum. This is useful in Introduction threads and things. It adds a new settings group - you can alter these in ACP => Configuration => Auto-Reply Settings. You can set the Forum ID of the forum you want new threads to be automatically replied to, the user who posts the reply and the message. The reply message can contain MyCode.

The reply message can also use {username} to display the name of the person who just posted the topic.

Auto-Reply to a New Thread Download
Not Solved
^ the plugin was coded for an older version of MyBB.
It is not expected to work fine with recent versions of MyBB

though NOT recommended,
if you still want to try it, you can add the php file to the plugins folder.

you can also try using MyBot plugin

Plugins Installation :
see Installing Plugins guidance & see also this reply

basically plugin files are to be added to inc/plugins folder of MyBB files server.
if plugin consists of single php file then that is the simple method. but plugin might
consist of several files. in that case we have to follow folder structure of plugin pack.
this can be confusing at sometimes as plugin coders may not follow unified method to
pack their plugin files. readme file if exists with plugin can consist of the instructions

if plugin files are located in a folder named Upload then its contents should be transferred
by following the folder structure
. that Upload folder itself should not be transferred.

after adding the plugin files you have to visit admin panel >> configuration >> plugins
page to install & activate newly added plugin. then proceed to configuration [Settings]
page to find the settings related to newly added plugin and set the plugin settings.

youtube has some videos to help (you can search for MyBB plugins installation)
Not Solved
Ah yes, I see. thanks for quick reply.. If it works for me, I ll let people know

It works. But it gives the same reply. Better if it replied to tread with random answers. Can anyone with coding knowledge make some contribution to this plugin?

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