Problem with creating multipage
Hello everyone,

I'm trying to create a pagination using the multipage function, but I have a bit of troubles.
$query = $db->simple_select('logs', 'COUNT(lid) as total');
$total = $db->fetch_field($query, "total");
$perpage = 10;

 $pages = ceil($total / $perpage);
 if($mybb->input['page']) {
  $page = (int)$mybb->get_input('page', 1);
 else {
  $page = 1;
 if($page < 1) {
  $page = 1;
 if($page > $pages) {
  $page = $pages;
 $url = $mybb->settings['bburl'] . "/logs.php";
 $pagination = multipage($total, $perpage, $page, $url);

I currently have the above and I have followed this tutorial:

The pagination shows up with all the correct numbers but it seems to display more than 10 per page and when you navigate, it won't seem to navigate to the other page but stays at the same page, even though the param is e.x ?page=2.

I develop custom MyBB themes and plugins.

Sadly this is still not fixed, anyone know what is wrong?

I develop custom MyBB themes and plugins.

I've also tried copying it from the forumdisplay for example, but still not working somehow. Is there anything I am missing?

I develop custom MyBB themes and plugins.

That's a basic pagination that I fetch from memberlist, worked for me.
Create an adminlogs.php file and check it out.

define("IN_MYBB", 1);
require_once "./global.php";

$url = "{$mybb->settings['bburl']}/adminlogs.php";
$per_page = 10;

$query = $db->simple_select('adminlog', 'COUNT(*) AS adminlogs');
$num_adminlogs = $db->fetch_field($query, "adminlogs");

$page = $mybb->get_input('page', MyBB::INPUT_INT);
if($page && $page > 0)
	$start = ($page - 1) * $per_page;
	$pages = ceil($num_adminlogs / $per_page);
	if($page > $pages)
		$start = 0;
		$page = 1;
	$start = 0;
	$page = 1;

$multipage = multipage($num_adminlogs, $per_page, $page, $url);

echo $multipage;

$query = $db->simple_select('adminlog', 'uid, module, action', '', array('limit' => "{$start}, {$per_page}"));
while($result = $db->fetch_array($query))
	echo "{$result['uid']}, {$result['module']}, {$result['action']}<br />";

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