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Solved: 5 Years, 7 Months ago Whos Online: Reading Thread
Solved: 5 Years, 7 Months ago
When viewing who is online 99% of the time it just says reading thread, the attachment below is an example...Is there a problem with my forum or away to fix this? Thanks!  Also if it helps i am using  Google Seo plugin

Solved: 5 Years, 7 Months ago

you "deleted" what's important, the IPs.

Check the "reading thread" IPs, and you'll see they're bots most of them.
Solved: 5 Years, 7 Months ago
As NoRules rightly pointed out; "Reading Thread" without thread name gets represented by the function fetch_wol_activity() only in case if the thread or post id is not available.

Crawlers have an intention to crawl all individual php files as well. So, for example if you directly visit "showthread.php" it will return you the message that the specified thread does not exist. Users don't generally visit the showthread directly, so its likely the activity of a bot only.
Solved: 5 Years, 7 Months ago
(2019-05-09, 08:17 AM)effone Wrote: Crawlers have an intention to crawl all individual php files as well. So, for example if you directly visit "showthread.php" it will return you the message that the specified thread does not exist. Users don't generally visit the showthread directly, so its likely the activity of a bot only.

Or script kiddies playing with pentest tools Smile
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Solved: 5 Years, 7 Months ago
@NoRules @effone @ Crazycat

Thank you so much guys  for the answer,
Also YES a lot of the same ip addresses appear
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