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Solved: 5 Years, 5 Months, 1 Week ago Not working Thread/Forum Subscriptions
Solved: 5 Years, 5 Months, 1 Week ago
I've noticed that when I try to subscribe/unsubscribe to an existing thread or existing forum, I get a 404 not found page.

This is the link I see in my browser: https://SITE.org/usercp2.php?action=removesubscription&tid=ID&my_post_key=KEY.

But this doesn't happen when I post a new thread or make a reply and subscribe at that time. In this case subscriptions work well.
Any hint?
Solved: 5 Years, 5 Months, 1 Week ago
usercp2.php no longer exists.

it should be usercp.php, so wherever you have usercp2.php, change it to usercp.php
What goes around comes around
Solved: 5 Years, 5 Months, 1 Week ago
(2019-07-02, 02:31 PM)Ashley1 Wrote: usercp2.php no longer exists.

it should be usercp.php, so wherever you have usercp2.php, change it to usercp.php

I was convinced about this.
So I'd need a core edit where I replace "usercp.php" wherever there is "usercp2.php", inside all affected files like showthread.php / forumdisplay.php?
Solved: 5 Years, 5 Months, 1 Week ago
No need to touch the core files.

you will see the link that contains usercp2.php in

forumdisplay_threadlist template

and i think the other one is showthread_subscription template.

just edit them there.
What goes around comes around
Solved: 5 Years, 5 Months, 1 Week ago
(2019-07-02, 02:37 PM)Ashley1 Wrote: No need to touch the core files.

you will see the link that contains usercp2.php in

forumdisplay_threadlist template

and i think the other one is showthread_subscription template.

just edit them there.

Found inside forumdisplay_threadlist, edited. Now it works when I subscribe to forums.

showthread_subscription instead contains the correct link to usercp.php
I'm scraping other showthread templates.
Solved: 5 Years, 5 Months, 1 Week ago
Thank you for the starter, I figured out the rest.

So here's the full solution:

You need to change the "usercp2.php" to usercp.php
in three templates:

showthread - (in only that basic/first one)

After that, subscribing/unsubscribing to forums and individual threads works.

+ If you want the link's text to say something other than "Subscribe to this thread" or "Unsubscribe from this thread", then you'll need to do core level changes. But it's simple:

Go to the files of the site in question.
Then inc --> languages --> english --> showthread.lang.php

There's a long list of text links which text you can edit. Find "Subscribe to this thread" and "Unsubscribe from this thread" and change them to whatever you want.
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