Solved: 5 Years, 6 Months ago Error while trying to run a query to force classic postbit
Solved: 5 Years, 6 Months ago
Hello, I had this error while i was trying to run a query to force the classic postbit

[Image: T1S7xGd.jpg]

I read similar problems suggested to check your config.php file, but i think mine is correct?

 [Image: ArvFpZf.jpg]

Hopefully someone can help, thanks alot in advance!
Solved: 5 Years, 6 Months ago
You need to replace "mybb_users" with the prefix you're using.
What goes around comes around
Solved: 5 Years, 6 Months ago
Where can I find the "mybb_users"? I checked on my config.php but theres nothing like that there and I checked the tables that show on phpmyadmin but there was no mybb_users, I only found this one that says users but instead of mybb it has the same name as it says on the table_prefix from my config.php

[Image: 02AmnBz.jpg]

EDIT: Oh, or you mean I have to change the mybb_users from the query I was running? right?
Solved: 5 Years, 6 Months ago
You don't need to look in any files if you already know what your table prefix is.

the query fails because you have a different table prefix than the default one.

so instead of executing:
UPDATE `mybb_users` SET `classicpostbit` = '1' WHERE `classicpostbit` = '0'

you should execute:

UPDATE `prefix_users` SET `classicpostbit` = '1' WHERE `classicpostbit` = '0'

whatever your prefix is.
What goes around comes around
Solved: 5 Years, 6 Months ago
Thanks Ashley1, its fixed now, I got confused but now that you confirmed that it was the query that i needed to change, it worked fine

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