Not Solved sql error 1364
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when I try to post a thread, I get this error. What is the problem? Thanks

MyBB has experienced an internal SQL error and cannot continue.

SQL Error:1364 - Field 'inviteonlycheck' doesn't have a default valueQuery:INSERT INTO mybbp1_threads (fid,subject,prefix,icon,uid,username,dateline,lastpost,lastposter,lastposteruid,views,replies,visible,notes) VALUES ('6','test',0,0,'1','winty',1564780252,1564780252,'winty','1',0,0,1,'')
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Problem from "Invite Only Threads"
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How do I turn off invite only threads? I thought it was a plugin but i've removed them and still the same
Not Solved
IF you delete plugin files manually .
You must run below queries  on phpmyadmin :

ALTER TABLE mybb_threads DROP `inviteonlycheck`
ALTER TABLE mybb_threads DROP `inviteonlyuids`
DELETE FROM mybb_settinggroups WHERE name='iot'
DELETE FROM mybb_settings WHERE name='iot_enabled'"
DELETE FROM mybb_settings WHERE name='iot_fid'"
DELETE FROM mybb_settings WHERE name='iot_usergroup'
note : change mybb_ prefix with your forums table prefix

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