Not Solved How to number the threads ?
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How to number the threads ?

That will facilitate participants to go quickly to a particular topic...instead of searching all.


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Don't clearly understand you by number threads.. But, a thread does distinct from other threads by its ID. Take this thread for example, the number in the URL is its ID: 224607 in or I think you just mean this number.

However, why don't you use the URL instead?
Could be wrong but worth a try.
Email me at: [email protected]
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Good idea to refer by URL. But internally..if they are numbered from say students can remember that a particular topic is at thred 467.

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Not sure what you mean either. what happens if a thread bumps - comes up to the top - does the number of the thread then change ?

Otherwise threads have numbers - the thread id - so try setting that as a prefix.
What goes around comes around
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Well then, is it the number you're asking for in the example in my previous post?

Or do you mean a post ID? For post ID, you should get it from the post's link normally at upper right corner by, for example #3.
Could be wrong but worth a try.
Email me at: [email protected]
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Thanks for the info. Yes. the thread are sequentially numbered in the URL.

I can refer them to my students.

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