Not Solved Link Page
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I have install Links page on myBB, however I don't seem to be able to access it. Could you tell me how to set permissions for each admin's access to the links area of the acp?
Couldn't find where on the ACP to set the permission for the links.

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if you are having the same trouble i had when i installed it on my test site to try and find you bug try going into the admin cp, on the side in the navigation frame go to User Groups--> Admin Permissions--> select the admin you want to give access to (most likely yourself) the at the bottom hit "update permissions" no need to change anything. if i was the same bug i had everything should be working for you.

and MM if his problem is the same, maybe in the modinstall.php you should have it update the permissions table or add into the install.txt that they well have to go thur that process to gain acess to the links admin
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problem fixed...I didn't have access to the "admin permissions" which caused my problem. TM, thanks for your help.
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This isn't really a bug, it's just a form of protection so as no admins can access that part of the control panel untill you specifically allow them. If you look, it is noted in the installation instructions, but if it will save confusion I will update the install file to make this a little clearer.
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musicalmidget Wrote:This isn't really a bug, it's just a form of protection so as no admins can access that part of the control panel untill you specifically allow them. If you look, it is noted in the installation instructions, but if it will save confusion I will update the install file to make this a little clearer.

MM, being new to myBB, I wasn't sure what the instruction meant by set permission for each admin access. I thought it was the 'admin permissions' link, but I couldn't access it. Which made me wonderi if it was somewhere else, hence the question.

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Well, as I said before, the ReadMe file has been updated so as it is now clearer. Smile

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