My sites gone weird
Matt Light, it doesn't show like it used to :/

It used to be:
| | |
| | |
| | |

But the one you gave me is
____ _______
| |_______|
| | |
| | |
| | |

how is this fixed??

Change the code to
	echo "<html>\n";
	echo "<head>\n";
	echo "<title>$lang->mybb_admin</title>\n";
	echo "</head>\n";
	echo "<frameset rows=\"22, *\" frameborder=\"no\" border=\"0\" framespacing=\"0\">\n";
	echo "<frame name=\"header\" noresize scrolling=\"no\" src=\"index.php?action=header\">\n";
	echo "<frameset cols=\"200, *\" frameborder=\"no\" border=\"0\" framespacing=\"0\">\n";
	echo "<frame name=\"nav\" noresize scrolling=\"auto\" src=\"index.php?action=navigation\">\n";
	echo "<frame name=\"body\" noresize scrolling=\"auto\" src=\"index.php?action=home\">\n";
	echo "</frameset>\n";
	echo "</html>\n";
Matt Light
If you want my help, be sure to follow the posting tips.
Thanks Matt Light, now:

1) My site is still stuck on Axiom (the only theme), which is probably why everythign is grey. The link in the menu also dont glow behind when moused over How do I upgrade themes?? How do I get it to look like this site??

2), Why is there 2 // in the link, and why is my name huge.

1. I don't think there are any other themes currently available for RC3.
2. There are two slashes in the links because you probably included a trailing slash in your board URL which the description says not to do. Your username is huge because that's how the theme is set up to show the username. Edit templates to make the changes you want.
Matt Light
If you want my help, be sure to follow the posting tips.
1. I thought Chirs said that it was removed and replaced with a new Light theme he said??

2. How do I edit it to just one?? If I can't, no worries, it works anyway Smile and what template do I go to to edit the name sizes??

1. The Light theme is the default one.

2. You can edit the url in your Admin CP --> Settings --> Change --> General configuration --> Board URL.
Ok, buts thats what Im saying, it looks nothing like this board :/ How do I get the glow look when going over the links, and the blue, instead of grey??

Board Url: (what it should be??)
Board URL:
(notice there is no trailing /)

In order to make the glow when hovering over the links you need to edit the navigation templates. Right now I can't spend time helping with this. Maybe someone else can help.
Matt Light
If you want my help, be sure to follow the posting tips.
I'm not entirely sure whether this was intended, but when I updated, the "Light" theme wasn't inported for me either, so I imported it myself. I believe it's the theme.mybb file in the /install/resources directory if you want to import it yourself.

Anyway, to do what you asked without importing the theme, you need to edit a few of your themes properties in the admin panel. Change the following...

Menu Background Color: #4874A3
Menu Text Color: #E5ECF4
Menu Hover Background Color: #618ab4
Menu Hover Text Color: #FFFFFF
Welcome Panel Background Color: #d0d7df
ok, thanks. Got rid of the 2 //, now, thanks for the theme tip.


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