My sites gone weird
« and »
Matt Light
If you want my help, be sure to follow the posting tips.
ok, changed. Thanks for the tip.


Edit: Is there a option in RC3 to prevent multiple postings?? Cause if there isn't, then it would be nice. (I noticed it was a modification I could do)

Edit 2: Read my signiture, see if you can help me Smile

Edit 3: How do I change the top bar words in the admin cp from ">> Your Forum" to somethign else??
Matt Light Wrote:« and »

I thought the codes I found weren't the same as before, but they seem to work. I wonder how come yours weren't changed to their corresponding symbols though like mine were.

Strange. Toungue
Quote:Is there a option in RC3 to prevent multiple postings?? Cause if there isn't, then it would be nice. (I noticed it was a modification I could do)
Admincp --> Settings --> Change --> Posting --> Maximum Posts Per Day

There's also a time flood, which is set to 60 seconds by default. You can find it also in "Posting".
No, I mean like double posting?? Its a modification, just wondering if it were in RC3.

No, this isn't a feature in RC3.
:o Thats sad. Can it be in RC4?? By the way, where is Chris?? He hasn't been on for a while. There is some bugs in the bug section that need looking at.

I wont start fixing bugs until i am sure that the upgrade process and install process is working correct for everyone. I will also only be fixing major bugs at the beginning (such as parse errors) and then updating the release with them.
ok, cool. You could probably close this thread now Smile


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