2004-10-16, 01:59 PM
Well, you may have noticed this post on the mybb comunity forums, but no-on' replied, so i ask it here a second time:p the code for the contents of the message= <input type="hidden" name="qq$post[pid]" value="$post[message]" /> but if the message contains ">, the code uses this as end. and so everything behinds the "> + " /> is pasted between the quick delete and quick quote button. . the javascript-functions used are:
# is not part of the code but else this board sees this as a quote
Does someone know how i can fix this?
function quickquotesel() {
if (document.getSelection && document.getSelection().length > 0) { qqsel = document.getSelection(); }
else if (document.selection && document.selection.type == "Text" && document.selection.createRange) { qqsel = document.selection.createRange().text; }
function quickquote(pid) {
if(qqsel != "" && qqsel.indexOf("[quote[b][color=red]#[/color][/b]]") == -1) { var quote = qqsel; }
else { var quote = eval("document.quickquote.qq"+pid+".value"); }
qqsel = "";
var username = eval("document.quickquote.qqu"+pid+".value");
document.input.message.value += "[quote[b][color=red]#[/color][/b]="+username+"]"+quote+"[/quote]\\n";
if (window.Event) document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEUP);
document.onmouseup = quickquotesel;
If you don't understand what i mean, you can look at this: http://smethead.kaonet.net/forum/showthr...d=34#pid34# is not part of the code but else this board sees this as a quote
Does someone know how i can fix this?