A few ones people might like. Please consider adding it to your site
All work perfectly on my board, different browsers, and different resolutions so it doesn't distort myBB.
aligning-links.txt: Found out myself. Thought I would share.
link-to-portal.txt: Did myself, thought others might like too.
tooltip-topic.txt: Matt Light helped make it for RC3, I updated it for RC4.
buddy-list.txt: Adapted the code that was on here for RC3.
online-status.txt: Made by Chris Boulton, updated by me for RC4.
All work perfectly on my board, different browsers, and different resolutions so it doesn't distort myBB.
aligning-links.txt: Found out myself. Thought I would share.
link-to-portal.txt: Did myself, thought others might like too.
tooltip-topic.txt: Matt Light helped make it for RC3, I updated it for RC4.
buddy-list.txt: Adapted the code that was on here for RC3.
online-status.txt: Made by Chris Boulton, updated by me for RC4.