Not Solved [How To?] How to translate a theme
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Hello everyone.
I'm a new myBB user, I have a simple question:

How do you translate a theme? In my case I have to translate Flatty into Italian.

Is there a way to download the files and translate them?
I do not know.

If someone helps me I will be very happy! Thanks in advance
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The main XML file contains various templates where words and phrases for each template (between every pair of <template ...> and </template>) can be modified. You could open the XML file with your favorite XML editor or just a text editor.
Could be wrong but worth a try.
Email me at: [email protected]
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I already tried to modify the XML file, but I can't find translation like "Who's online"? "Board Stat" title etc...

An example of what i found:
 <template name="footer_contactus" version="1806"><![CDATA[<li><a href="{$mybb->settings['contactlink']}"><i class="fa fa-reply"></i> {$lang->bottomlinks_contactus}</a></li>]]></template> 
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Flatty has some parts where the text is not part of the default language files, so that's why some parts aren't specified using the {$lang->xxx} variable, but are just the words themselves.
{$lang->xxx} looks for the phrase xxx in the corresponding language files to whichever page you're on. You can modify these in inc/languages/english/xxx.lang.php. If you wish to create your own Italian translation, then I'd recommend copying the english one first, and then modifying that to Italian. However, there is an Italian translation already available here.
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Hi! Thank you for your answer. I'll try! Smile

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