Not Solved Are reputation ratings anonymous?
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Im having users ask me if the reputation rating system is anonymous, for example if someone rates negatively on a member, will that member see who gave the negative rating on their post? I know as an admin or a moderator, I can, but for regular users, is this the case?
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They are not anonymous. Pretty much anyone on the forum can see reputation points, along with the posts that were rated, and by whom.

As far as I recall, there is not a setting to disable this unfortunately.
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OK, it would be a good feature for privacy reasons.
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^ replies here can be helpful to achieve that
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I installed the newpoints plugin, but it only behaves as a tipping system with points.
I need something that can give plus or minus points in a private manner like how reddit karma works.
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Newpoints isn't quite what you're looking for. It's a forum point/cash system that allows members to give each other "points" by donating, and can allow members to earn points by posting. It's not exactly tied within reputation.

The page linked to by @m pretty much shows how you can do what you need to do. There won't be an easy, one-click install plugin that does it. The page shows you how to use template conditionals, and if you follow the guide, it shouldn't be as hard as it sounds. It'll require a few manual template edits, but they have copy/paste friendly code that more or less shows how it is done.

MyBB is pretty powerful if you can get a little comfortable with the templates. There isn't really a whole lot that you can't do once you get your hands in it a little. Smile
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as Darth Apple said,
Template Conditionals plugin & manual edits were suggested to get anonymous ratings.

Newpoints plugin was suggested for a different requirement.
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OK, that makes sense, I will need to spend some time on this and test it out.
Ive never done any of this before, so alot is new to me.

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