List members that can access each forum
Is there a plugin that would list all existing forums and state which users can view its threads, post replies, post new threads?

Or maybe someone can give me a hint what would such an SQL look like?

I have:

SELECT (SELECT group_concat( order by, a.fid separator ' / ')
          from `my_forums` a
        WHERE concat(',',f.parentlist,',') like concat('%,',a.fid, ',%')
      ) as Forum,
      (SELECT group_concat(g.title ORDER BY g.title ASC SEPARATOR ', ')
          FROM my_forumpermissions fp, my_usergroups g
        WHERE fp.fid = f.fid AND g.gid = fp.gid AND (fp.canview != 0)) as CanView,
      (SELECT group_concat(g.title ORDER BY g.title ASC SEPARATOR ', ')
          FROM my_forumpermissions fp, my_usergroups g
        WHERE fp.fid = f.fid AND g.gid = fp.gid AND (fp.canpostreplys != 0)) as CanPostReply,
      (SELECT group_concat(g.title ORDER BY g.title ASC SEPARATOR ', ')
          FROM my_forumpermissions fp, my_usergroups g
        WHERE fp.fid = f.fid AND g.gid = fp.gid AND (fp.canpostthreads != 0)) as CanPostThreads
  FROM `my_forums` f
order by 1

How would I need to handle inherited permissions?
Permission Viewer plugin can be of some help.
[when I tried last time, it did not have pagination. not sure if it was improved later ..]

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