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Not Solved Message during installation
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I try to install subdomain. I am installing 1.8.6 version to check plugins for main domain which is on 1.8.6.
But during theme installation, it show below errors.


Should I proceed or have to do anything else?
Please guide experts.
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Use the latest MyBB version, compatible with PHP 7.2+
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Please guys help..I want to install 1.8.6 to check plugin working status before running website on 1.8.6. Hope you understand.
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Probably you have to lower your PHP version if you need to install 1.8.6. For example, try to set up a test environment with PHP 7.0 or 7.1.

By the way, warnings from PHP usually can be neglected.
Could be wrong but worth a try.
Email me at: [email protected]
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Ya i tried but forum url and website url give https://www.xxxx.com:443/Testing . It is weird as on installation of 1822 not showing this type URL for forum and website.
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MyBB 1.8.6 dates back 5 years ago and at that time HTTPS was not essential, so the 1.8.6's installer only takes care of port 80. Anyway I think it'll just be fine for this type of URLs since you won't use old versions to set up a board in production.

Actually you should use PHP 5.6..
Could be wrong but worth a try.
Email me at: [email protected]
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1.8.6 have issue with 7.2 php...It installed fine with 7.1.
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