Not Solved [How To?] toggle header in forumdisplay
Not Solved
Hi all,

If I look in the forumdisplay I see the threads.
In the header the columnheads 'subject', 'author','views' ,etc

If I click on the columnheaders for the first time the column will be sorted descendingly.
If I click on the columnheader for the second time , noting happens.
It look as if clicking the columnjeadeer is restricted to desendet spoorting only.

I would have expected to find the columnheader to function as a 'togglebutton', alternating between sorting ascendingly and descendingly.

Do I see this correctly ?

Thanks in advance for your wisdom inspired answer.
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In the default theme/template, if the sorting links in forumdisplay's table header area are for sorting ascendingly, then after you click one, there will be a link labeled [desc] for sorting descendingly after it; and vice versa.
Could be wrong but worth a try.
Email me at: [email protected]
Not Solved
Hi Noyle,

Thank you .

So you confirm that the links have no toggle property.

Yes, I know that the bracketed links appear; I replaced them by icons.
But I think the words itself should have toggle capacity (at least that is what I expect them to do).

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