Not Solved When awaiting activation member got activated
Not Solved

I've very Important Question,

As all we know when a Guest get registered, Automatically Moved to Awaiting Activation Group (gid=5)

And When Awaiting Activation member visite the Activation link will moved to Member Group (gid=2)

My Question is I want when the Awaiting Activation visit the activation link will get moved to a specific group Example: (Inactive Member) (gid=7)

So how Can I do that ?!
Not Solved
Currently registration flow is hardcoded that, as you indicated, guest registered (awaiting activation/gid=5) => activated (registered/gid=2). I'm afraid there's probably no convenient way to move users to a specific user group upon their activation at this moment.

However, you may rename the registered user group (gid=2) to "Inactive Member" and add another group for normal users.
Could be wrong but worth a try.
Email me at: [email protected]

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