Not Solved Is revolution gaming theme mobile responsive
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Is revolution gaming theme mobile responsive?
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I don't think so, it is not mentioned in the theme description as well.
- MyBB Heart
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No, it is not!
It uses <table> elements, so it can never be responsive.
(Oups, I guess this comment will cause a great stir to many theme developers. Sorry boys! Smile )

Just check it out yourself and resize your browser window (minimize the width). Maybe you're lucky and table contents may fit your screen properly - actually it does not make this theme fully responsive.

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(2020-06-18, 04:53 AM)bhaskar Wrote: Is revolution gaming theme mobile responsive?

no and yes.... Wink

Free version *no and also outdated (1.8.17 compat and we are at 1.8.22)
Premium version * yes

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