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Not Solved [How To?] ougc lock
Not Solved
hi i go in admin control panel user&group i open registered i Go in edit user group i see that option


Maximum price per post.
Insert the maximum Newpoints points users can charge to display hidden content. Leave empty for no limit. (Maximum: 99999)

i set to 1 and when i go in admin control panel in Settings lock and i Allow user to set her own price when i try with an accoun registered in that group Registered where i have set maximum point allow to 1

i can create A thread and Lock the content to 999 point if i want is change nothing is Not Block to 1 point i dont know how to more explain I think that option not working or maybe i do Not understand .. How To Allow only 1 Point for registered user group and Put 6000 Point for Another Group like Super User (created by me) ...
Not Solved
setting separate unlocking points for different usergroups is not available.
that would require complex coding. in general, coders do not consider such requests.

specific usergroups can be exempted from paying points to see locked content.
that should be already available in the settings of the plugin.
Not Solved
(2020-08-05, 11:59 AM).m. Wrote: setting separate unlocking points for different usergroups is not available.
that would require complex coding. in general, coders do not consider such requests.

specific usergroups can be exempted from paying points to see locked content.
that should be already available in the settings of the plugin.
ohh okais I dont know why i have that Option Not working in admin control panel maybe is because before i have installed the other Plugins lock and uninstalled and is not deleted from there ..
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