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Solved: 4 Years, 3 Months ago How to solve this error ? I am getting error after installed xem_fast_rep.
Solved: 4 Years, 3 Months ago
My website is :- https://gossipion.xyz
and test id is - _A_
password - pradip987

today i iust installed a plugin named 'xem_fast_rep' .

but after installation in index page it shows me an error. here is the screenshot of that error.

[Image: Screenshot-2020-08-31-19-05-00-837-com-a...chrome.png]
Solved: 4 Years, 3 Months ago
Edit the inc/plugins/xem_fast_rep.php files and add the change the line 545:
$lang -> load('xem_fast_rep');
$lang -> load('xem_fast_rep');
$likeThis = [];
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Solved: 4 Years, 3 Months ago
Thank you so much , it wotked.
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