Not Solved Searching Theme
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Who could provide a free download link for this Theme

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(2020-12-03, 08:33 PM)iCe_Grimmjow Wrote: Who could provide a free download link for this Theme

It's custom - you can see who it's designed by right in the footer. I hope you aren't really asking for someone to pirate the work of another MyBB member right on this forum.

Here's the developer's contact:
Frances Leese - Websites

nyway, there are many free themes you can look through here.
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Look sir, I'm not looking to hack anything, I simply seek the help of a Theme like the one in that design and if someone could facilitate it to make use of it no more than that, something that they have obsolete or something like that
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I can say that you will probably find something like this in MyBB Extend for sure
It may not be exact, but it will give you good start and from there you can customize it Smile

- MyBB Heart

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