[Pushed] [color] tags with rgba() colour spec are unrendered
e.g., [color=rgba(224, 224, 224, 0.8)]The color tag surrounding this text will not render[/color].

This bug was reported on Discord.

I'm not sure how the rgba() colour specification got there in the first place; presumably it was due to a copy-n-paste operation of rich text.

Neither the editor (as part of its colour normalisation) nor the MyBB parser currently handle rgba() colour specifications.

Thank you for your report. We have pushed this issue to our Github repository for further analysis where you can track our commits and progress with fixing this bug. Discussions regarding this bug may also take place there too.

Follow this link to visit the issue on Github: https://github.com/mybb/mybb/issues/4231

Thanks for contributing to MyBB!

The MyBB Group
rgba() is no native color definition, but a CSS function.
It is questionable whether a function is needed to define a color where a standard CSS value (#FF0000/red) is expected.
Also mind rgba() is CSS3.

I see this as an additional feature, no bug!
When rgba() is really intended to get implemented as a standard in MyBB, then the color picker needs to be upgraded to make this opacity accessible from editor - a new standard feature needs to be covered by the user interface as well.

rgba() text colors can simply be achieved by MyCode.

(2021-01-11, 08:44 AM)[ExiTuS] Wrote: rgba() is no native color definition, but a CSS function.
It is questionable whether a function is needed to define a color where a standard CSS value (#FF0000/red) is expected.
Also mind rgba() is CSS3.

I see this as an additional feature, no bug!
When rgba() is really intended to get implemented as a standard in MyBB, then the color picker needs to be upgraded to make this opacity accessible from editor - a new standard feature needs to be covered by the user interface as well.

rgba() text colors can simply be achieved by MyCode.


maybe that's just converting rgb to hex automatically when someone copies and pastes the text in the editor
An alternate would be the 8-digit RGBA HEX values for opacity, e.g. #FF000077.

Nevertheless alpha channel comes with CSS3.
Make CSS3 available in any contents will make any CSS/CSS3 isolation in themes to be obsolete (e.g. css3.css).


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