Use colorful badge in postbit
You can use multiple group images with the help of Omar's plugin....

but here i am going to show you how can you set a badge or tag in postbit...

Requirement :- Template conditional Plugin
i have done it with a staff badge , you can customise yourself...

add this css to your global.css or make a new css named userbadge.css

css :- 
/** userBanner username styling css **/
	padding:1px 6px;
	border:1px solid transparent;

.userBanner--staff{font-weight:bold;color:#fff;background-image:linear-gradient(210deg, #8f343a, #26a65b, #1c86ee, #ffbe1c, #176093, #7af26d, #8e44ad, #c60, #cf4d35, #e0eeee) !important;background-size:1200% 1200% !important;-webkit-animation:TurkBinGazi 15s ease infinite !important;-moz-animation:TurkBinGazi 15s ease infinite !important;-o-animation:TurkBinGazi 15s ease infinite !important;animation:TurkBinGazi 15s ease infinite !important}@-webkit-keyframes TurkBinGazi{0%{background-position:0% 50%}50%{background-position:100% 50%}100%{background-position:0% 50%}}@-moz-keyframes TurkBinGazi{0%{background-position:0% 50%}50%{background-position:100% 50%}100%{background-position:0% 50%}}@-o-keyframes TurkBinGazi{0%{background-position:0% 50%}50%{background-position:100% 50%}100%{background-position:0% 50%}}@keyframes TurkBinGazi{0%{background-position:0% 50%}50%{background-position:100% 50%}100%{background-position:0% 50%}}

.userBanner.userBanner--staff{color:#FFF;background:#404650;border-color:#131417;background:linear-gradient(to bottom, #404650, #292d34 100%);box-shadow:inset 0px 1px 0px 0px #8992a0}


.userBanner.userBanner--staff{color:#FFF;background:#404650;border-color:#131417;background:linear-gradient(to bottom, #404650, #292d34 100%);box-shadow:inset 0px 1px 0px 0px #8992a0}

/** end **/

On postbit template or postbit_classic template find

add above that..
<if in_array($post['usergroup'], array('3', '4', '6')) then><div class="userBanner userBanner--staff message-userBanner" dir="auto" itemprop="jobTitle"><span class="userBanner-before"></span><strong>Staff member</strong><span class="userBanner-after"></span></div><br /></if>

make sure your all staff members usergroup id is
 4 - Administratior
3- Super Moderator
6 - Moderator

For Preview :- check this page.
Note :- This is only a example of staff badge...

for your own custom use you can customise it as you like...
Thanks for the Tutorial.
+1 Thank You... 

Very  Cool excellent tutorial

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