Background color on mobile view
Hello guys!

Maybe someone can help me to solve this issue. I have this page: and in desktop view the background color of the main menu looks white, however when I reviewed the mobile view it’s change to black. I really prefer to both have the same color: white.
I tried with some CSS but it doesn’t work, also I checked on the customize option but I didn’t found anything.

Do you know how can I fix this? 


That site doesn't appear to be running MyBB software. If I am mistaken though, and it is running MyBB, then, having removed the "Powered By MyBB" footer, you are ineligible for support, and if I'm not mistaken, then this thread should probably be moved to the Web Development and Administration forum.
Thanks Laird for your guide! I will definitely do that.
No worries - I've moved it for you.

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