[For 1.8] [Core Edit] View Unanswered Threads
This will add a new specialized Search preset link "View Unanswered Threads" to header.

Open template header_welcomeblock_member_search and add at the bottom:
<li><a href="{$mybb->settings['bburl']}/search.php?action=findunansweredthreads">View Unanswered Threads</a></li>
Now open your search.php file in an editor. Go to line no. around 1252, find this line:
elseif($mybb->input['action'] == "finduserthreads")

and change it to:
elseif($mybb->input['action'] == "finduserthreads" || $mybb->input['action'] == "findunansweredthreads")

Just after that, find this line:
$where_sql = "uid='".$mybb->get_input('uid', MyBB::INPUT_INT)."'";

and change it to:
    if($mybb->input['action'] == "finduserthreads")
        $where_sql = "uid='".$mybb->get_input('uid', MyBB::INPUT_INT)."'";
        $where_sql = "replies='0'";

Now save the modified search.php and reupload to your forum root, replacing the existing one.


[Image: 112095966-71db1980-8bc3-11eb-936d-2c72f7197633.gif]
+1 useful addition, should be in core
[MyBB 1.8 Czech translation] [MyBB 1.8 plugins]: Prune old PMs + optimize DB plugin --- Thank you/like system
excellent, it will be very useful, thank you very much
Cool idea!

I would suggest to make that change in one line only to strictly keep the count of lines to rely on for future code investigations.
My replacement code example:
$where_sql = ($mybb->input['action'] == "finduserthreads") ? "uid='".$mybb->get_input('uid', MyBB::INPUT_INT)."'" : "replies='0'";

I suppose this could be an plugin. Anyways, nice core edit.
Soporte en Español

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Discord at omar.gonzalez (Omar G.#6117); Telegram at @omarugc;

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