Not Solved MentionMe plugin & MyAlerts ( with Thank You/Like System) issue
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LOL @Laird you just solved the problem...

I accessed that page "loaclhost/admin/index.pgp?module=config-myalerts_alert_types"..

It showed me my profile doesn't have enough permission.. Seeing it I became confused how is it even possible ?! Toungue Confused Confused

Then I checked through Admin Permissions and saw it. Indeed Alert Types isn't included..Big Grin
Not Solved
Sweeet. Solved.
Not Solved
Yes, everything is sorted and running well in the live site..

@martec I have one query.. If I wanted to change the background colour of the the pop-up which appears to show the usernames and also the outlines of the avatars, then which file or files I have to edit??
Not Solved
(2021-04-03, 02:13 PM)vk_knight Wrote: Yes, everything is sorted and running well in the live site..

@martec I have one query.. If I wanted to change the background colour of the the pop-up which appears to show the usernames and also the outlines of the avatars, then which file or files I have to edit??

hi you need edit jquery.atwho.min.css
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(2021-04-04, 02:46 AM)martec Wrote: hi you need edit jquery.atwho.min.css

Couldn't find anything in it. Got a headache instead Huh ..Why would you put everything in just one line? Dodgy
Not Solved
Find the first occurrence of background; more specifically, background:#fff;. Change #fff to your preferred colour.

(2021-04-04, 05:45 AM)vk_knight Wrote: Why would you put everything in just one line? Dodgy

It's called "minification": minimises the amount of data for the browser to download; quite popular, donchaknow. Cool

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