Not Solved Top stats prefix
Not Solved
Hello i installed top stats plugin and it works fine ! 

But i would like add my prefix on the latest threads on index. 
i tried with Thread prefix plugin  but it does not work for top stats plugin

how can i do that ? 
Thanks in advance !
Not Solved
I think you're using this plugin, Top Stats:

To add prefixes to topics, you need to edit the $sql = "" in topStats.php file.
... widget_LastActiveThreads():
$sql = "SELECT t.lastposteruid, t.tid, t.subject, t.prefix, t.lastpost, t.fid, t.views, t.replies, u.uid, u.username, u.usergroup, u.displaygroup, u.lastvisit, u.lastactive, u.away, g.canviewwolinvis, p.prefix, p.displaystyle
FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."threads t
INNER JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."users u ON (u.uid=t.lastposteruid)
INNER JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."usergroups g ON (u.usergroup = g.gid)
LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."threadprefixes p ON (
WHERE 1=1 {$tpl['ignore_forums']} {$unapproved_where} {$permsql} AND t.visible='1' AND t.closed NOT LIKE 'moved|%'
ORDER BY t.lastpost DESC LIMIT ". (int)$this->getConfig('Limit_LastActiveThreads') ."";
It is mandatory to also select "t.prefix" and add LEFT JOIN threadprefixes.

Good luck!

Not Solved
Yes exactly i use this plugin,

So if i understood correctly , i have to add this line :
LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."threadprefixes p ON (

and this word : 
in TopStats.php files ? 

because i did that and nothing change..

Thanks for your help
Not Solved
It is also mandatory to add "p.prefix" and "p.prefixstyle" (at the end of SELECT line)
$sql = "SELECT t.lastposteruid, t.tid, t.subject, t.prefix, t.lastpost, t.fid, t.views, t.replies, u.uid, u.username, u.usergroup, u.displaygroup, u.lastvisit, u.lastactive, u.away, g.canviewwolinvis, p.prefix, p.displaystyle
LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."threadprefixes p ON (

I am sorry to forgot something...
Down below this SQL code, assign the variable to make it available for templates:
$tpl['prefix'] = $row['prefix'];
$tpl['prefix_style'] = $row['displaystyle'];

Now you can insert one of these prefix variables into the topStats template (Global Templates) at that position it should appear
- "prefix" will display plaintext only
- "prefix_style" will display the prefix in style formatted in ACP

Also mind both PHP chapters "LastActiveThreads" and "LastThreads" depending on which one your'e using and the templates for both as well (topStats_LastThreadsRow or topStats_LastActiveThreadsRow).


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