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Solved: 3 Years, 2 Months, 3 Weeks ago Show Last Posted Thread's Full Name on Index?
Solved: 3 Years, 2 Months, 3 Weeks ago
Hey there everyone. I want last posted thread's to be fully shown on index, where it shows last posted thread on forums. You know, when it pasts some number of characters, it just cuts the thread and place "..." instead, just like text-overflow:ellipsis; but I've not found anything like that in forumbit_depth2_forum_lastpost template, so I couldn't change it. Any ideas? Thanks!
Solved: 3 Years, 2 Months, 3 Weeks ago
i think it needs some core edits
Solved: 3 Years, 2 Months, 3 Weeks ago
Any help?
Solved: 3 Years, 2 Months, 3 Weeks ago
Solved: 3 Years, 2 Months, 3 Weeks ago
tl;dr Change the template to display $full_lastpost_subject.

However, I treat every new MyBB question as a learning opportunity. Many questions are beyond my skillset, but I keep trying to push that envelope. For the benefit of readers who are doing the same, here's the process I followed to come up with the answer.

This link is a great reference to MyBB, the best one I've found.

$lastpost_subject is defined in inc/functions_forumlist.php on line 313 and following.
It is derived from $full_lastpost_subject.

I note that the template creates a link with a title using $full_lastpost_subject, and it displays the text of the truncated $lastpost_subject.

No core edit required. Change the template to display $full_lastpost_subject.
Solved: 3 Years, 2 Months, 3 Weeks ago
(2021-10-19, 11:32 AM)HLFadmin Wrote: tl;dr Change the template to display $full_lastpost_subject.

However, I treat every new MyBB question as a learning opportunity. Many questions are beyond my skillset, but I keep trying to push that envelope. For the benefit of readers who are doing the same, here's the process I followed to come up with the answer.

This link is a great reference to MyBB, the best one I've found.

$lastpost_subject is defined in inc/functions_forumlist.php on line 313 and following.
It is derived from $full_lastpost_subject.

I note that the template creates a link with a title using $full_lastpost_subject, and it displays the text of the truncated $lastpost_subject.

No core edit required. Change the template to display $full_lastpost_subject.

Thanks a lot! It was right in front of my eyes all along but couldn't see it somehow, appreciated!
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