Not Solved [How To?] HTML file for Profile & Posts
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Looking for a script that will just create an HTML file that will put all of a users profile content (profile fields) and posts into one HTML page. Doesn't have to be pretty or separated. Just need to be able to pull everything without manually copying and pasting information from over 50+ accounts.

At one point I had found a query that did this for posts but I'm unable to find that thread here again. I should have saved it but.. oh well.

Thanks in advance for anyone that can help!
> SELECT finger FROM hand WHERE id='3'
Not Solved
This is a custom plugin request. Not a script. A good plugin would use the member profile page to show the latest threads, and then has a back page that hooks all threads or specific threads with pagination and all custom profile fields, including Avi. The last time I had this flawlessly built, cost $100. But it is such an immaculate plugin.
Hey man, what's up?
Not Solved
I don't need it pretty. Just a downloadable file with the users content. Similar to how you can download all your photos from facebook or other things into an html file. So when users are banned or decide they want to leave they can take a copy of all their content.
> SELECT finger FROM hand WHERE id='3'

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