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Solved: 2 Years, 11 Months, 3 Weeks ago [General] How to combine "website content" with mybb ?
Solved: 2 Years, 11 Months, 3 Weeks ago
Hi there,

I am looking to setup a website where a mybb forum would be embedded into it as one part of the site, but not its main (and only) component.

Just like here for example (www.mybb.com), we see some menu items at the top "Home", "Download", "Extend", each page acting as "regular" web pages and then to access the forum part, it uses the "Community" button.

I've installed mybb successfully but the immediate result is only the equivalent of the "Community" section here (the bulletin board itself). 

How was the rest around it created ? Is it achievable within the mybb admin interface itself? (if so I've not found how so far) or does it requires some form of CMS to be integrated as well?  If so, which CMS would be the easiest to setup with mybb ?

(apologies for the newbie question and I've tried to search the forums first, without finding any similar questions).

Thank you.

Solved: 2 Years, 11 Months, 3 Weeks ago
That's  lot of questions.

Probably custom HTML, no, maybe, preference thing I'd guess. Toungue
Solved: 2 Years, 11 Months, 3 Weeks ago
To add to nixer55's answer to the first question:

Yes, it's custom HTML, "Hosted on GitHub Pages using the Jekyll server, Markdown formatting, Liquid templates, and YAML data format." Its source is available in the two GitHub repositories mybb/mybb.com and mybb/docs.mybb.com. Any old HTML/PHP generated by any method, including manually, would work just as well though - so, no, a CMS isn't required, and could even introduce extra difficulties in having to synchronise user accounts between the CMS and MyBB if that were to be a requirement.

There's also a team-only GitHub repository for the Extend section of the site, which is a MyBB plugin.
Solved: 2 Years, 11 Months, 3 Weeks ago
And to clarify a little nixer55's answer to "Is it achievable within the mybb admin interface itself?": to some extent it actually is - you could add custom pages using a plugin like Omar G.'s OUGC Pages, and you could customise the header template to something like you see on this Community board, so as to link to / access those pages.
Solved: 2 Years, 11 Months, 3 Weeks ago
Appreciate the replies, thank you.
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