Solved: 2 Years, 11 Months ago Post header date is not displayed.
Solved: 2 Years, 11 Months ago
(2022-02-02, 02:19 PM)HLFadmin Wrote: While translating all the files is worthwhile because there are many differences, some removed, some added,
these are the two you need which are missing.
$l['yesterday_rel'] = "<span title=\"{1}\">Yesterday</span>";
$l['today_rel'] = "<span title=\"{1}\">Today</span>";

But you really cannot rely on the old language pack. There are too many differences. And I was just looking at global.lang.php

Your solution is the better one.

I translated the global.lang.php file (english) to portuguese language and now everything is ok.
Thanks for the text editor tip. Many forum administrators must have this same kind of problem - encoding UTF-8.
I also appreciate your support and considerations.

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